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The White Lady Speaks

Metaphysical / Paranormal event

30/1 20:00
30/1 22:00

Rinaldo Walker holds a seance in The White Lady Inn to speak with the White Lady, a local spiritual legend. Rinaldo appears possessed, and shares some tidbits of knowledge.

Rinaldo Walker holds a seance in The White Lady Inn to speak with the White Lady. The White Lady is a local legend, that tells of a spurned Reghed woman who walked out onto the ice, and died.

During the course of the seance, Rinaldo appears possessed, and shares some tidbits of knowledge with The Antiquarian Association and three other guests.

  • The wizard's shadow yet lives
  • The Cauldron has been found. We are saved.
  • Demon worship hides in the castle.
When the seance is over, Rinaldo Walker once again warns The Antiquarian Association not to stay at The Black Cabin .

Related Location
The White Lady Inn
Related timelines & articles
Magnamund World History
The Antiquarian History