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The Once Dead King History

This timeline tracks the trials of the group of individuals that stood against the resurrection of the Wytch-King Shasarak.

  • 5057 MS

    5057 MS

    The Death of Shasarak the Wytch-King
    Political event

    MS 5057 Shasarak  is defeated by Grey Star and the Shadakine empire is destroyed. Grey Star  - the champion of the Great Ones  cause - is proclaimed 'Wizard Regent' of the Free Peoples of the old Shadaki Empire, to oversee a time of rebirth and liberty together with his consort, Lady Tanith.

    Based on the Grey Star Series of Book by Joe Dever
    War of the Wizards, Book #4

    Additional timelines
  • 5086 MS

    16 /7
    5086 MS

    16 /7

    The Second Death of Shasarak
    Life, Death

    The Second Death succeeds in isolating and slaying Shasarak.

    Additional timelines