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Akramanders are large amphibious creatures native to Druin Dria they are well liked by the general populace for being one of the most tame and useful creatures to wander the Teluae Forests. Some Nobles have attempted to keep them as pets, but since they nearly exclusively feed on Boom Shrooms, such attempts usually end in disaster.

Basic Information


Akramander's possess six legs, a long thick tail and a mucus coating their bodies that prevents the detonation of Boom Shroom spores.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It is possibly the only creature to feed on Boom Shrooms


It is one of the calmest creatures native to the Teluae Forests, likely due to the fact they spend most of their time by Boom Shrooms, which serve as not only their food but their defense.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The average Akramander is only a little less intelligent than a dog

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Akramander's have extraordinary senses of touch and smell, allowing them to detect most danger well before it arrives.
60 years
Average Weight
150 lbs
Average Length
Geographic Distribution


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