Lun Weia
Along with Ajix, Lun Weia is one of the twin divinities of Tabaxi culture. Also known as “The Mistress of the Nine Lives”, she holds sway over life, death, and rebirth. Holding central an idea that tabaxi are reincarnated 9 times on a path of enlightenment towards their eventual ascendancy to Nirvana, Lune Weia is the sun and moon, the mother of all tabaxi, the teacher, and the nurturer.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
The sun and moon together, the number 9, a tree with 9 branches
Tenets of Faith
A certain amount of suffering is natural on the spirit's path to become the most perfect version of itself. True enlightenment is impossible for one life to master and each soul must live nine life cycles before Nirvana unfolds itself. Unquiet spirits must be put to rest and undead are anathema to Lun Weia's teachings and must be destroyed.