Narunenithil, the Lake of the Red Moon, located in the Lhun Glad forest, is the deepest fresh water lake in East Ymmaria. As the Blushwine river moves past Lake Crimson towards the Auroric Ocean, it passes into this lake. Here, the red colored water transforms into a more traditional blue color.
The Elves of Lhun Glad watch over and protect its waters.
Narunenithil resides along Piigon's Meridian.
Localized Phenomena
Narunenithil is located in the Lhun Glad forest, and because of this sees a lot of fey activity on its shores and in its waters. It is quite common to see strange and mysterious phenomena around its banks.
In addition, as the lake rests along Piigon's Meridian, it experience the two red solar eclipses in totality each year. It is not uncommon to record extremely rare fey activity during these moments.