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Yondalla is the old Goddess of the Halflings. Since the expansion of the Gods of the Pantheon, the numbers of those who have kept faithful to her ways have dwindled, but her teachings and the qualities she represents: curiosity, loyalty and friendly mischief, are so engrained within the Halflings of the Donneshire Hills that one might surmise she has never been far from them. Indeed, though many halflings follow the teachings of Pantheonic Gods (notably Silph-Mallene and Sin-Dorraine) they still speak with reverence to Yondalla, "The Mother of All Halflings."   Yondalla still has a strong following with the halflings of the Bosky Dells, who take a great amount of pride in "keeping to the old ways."

Divine Domains

Fertility, Protection, Luck

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A cornucopia
Divine Classification


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