
Chronophage is a rare genetic condition that afflicts some of those in Malgrave with mixed heritage. It is a result of vastly different lifespans of an individual's parents affecting the aging rate of their children. This has also been seen in children of individuals less affected by time, such as archdruids, enlightened monks and paladins devoted to the Ancients.  

Warped by Time

Due to the strange way the energies of Malgrave work, many things adapt and change in unique ways. Chronophage is one such way, making those with it age half as quickly, while not necessarily extending the lifespan. It occurs in those with parents of different races with a vastly different lifespan, most often in half-elves. While they already normally mature more slowly than their human half, those with chronophage do so even more. A half-elf with chronophage often will not reach full physical, mental and emotional maturity until they are nearly forty or even fifty years old. While this does happen with others, such as those with dwarvish and human or orc parentage, it does not happen in such extremes. These usually only slow the age of maturity by a few years.
  It has been studied extensively and the researchers of Malgrave have conluded that due to the strange energies that flow through the plane, it is a rare occurance that happens when the parents are fairly incompatible. The magic of the realm itself seems to blend the traits of each parent, regardless of compatibility. The terms of what defines the compatibility and it seems to vary on various differences, including race, spiritual or emotional connection, life paths or even raw abilities. The surges of planar energy through Malgrave have made this difficult to determine conclusively, but the studies continue, though admittedly to much discomfort of the subjects.
  It should be noted, the largest supporters of the emotional connection theory believe that the parents were not compatible, but the will of Malgrave created a child from the union regardless. Though few know of or believe in them, this would be the inverse of the true love required to create a iunc'tura.  

The Plight of Half-Elves

About five percent of all half-elves are afflicted by chronophage. As the ones who are most likely to live through strife because of this delayed maturity, half-elves are often regarded with an exhasperation by the community they find themselves in, despite such a small number of them truly being affected. Many with chronophage are often abandoned by both parents fairly quickly. For the human parent, it is the fact that they will be raising their child the rest of their life. For the elven parent, despite having the lifespan to care for their child for that long without it affecting a major percentage of their time alive, they will get annoyed by the prolonged exposure to the immaturity of a child and frustrated at the difficulty teaching them with a slow development. This is a major contributor to the theory of emotional or spiritual connection between the parents being poor. They do not have enough love for their partner to endure raising a child with chronophage.   These factors have led to many of chronophage half-elves being street urchins. They are sometimes brought to orphanages, but often get cast out from there as well, the caretakers being unable to sustain a child so long that they know will not be adopted. They may last a few years, but once their condition is noticed they rarely stay longer. Between being homeless and abandoned, those that do have the patience to take them in are often organizations. The most benevolent are monasteries that will guide them and raise them into a faith. Others are criminal and spy organizations, willing to use the vulnerability and impressionable minds to craft them into loyal and efficient agents. In either of these situations, they tend to accel in these fields, for better or worse, due to it being the only place they've ever felt welcomed.
Notable People with Chronophage
Talwyn Nightingale
Deyla Amari


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