Sister Abigail

Sister Abigail is a human cleric who appears in the Undesirables Campaign. She is played by I.W.



Sister Abigail is a relatively small and mousy young woman in her mid-twenties. Her light brown hair is cut in a harsh bobcut shared by all devout members of the Brides of St. Cuthbert. She has brown eyes that always gleam with a warmth to them and a very pleasant smile. Abigail is normally a relatively sickly person, giving her a very frail appearance when not wearing her armor. She wears the red and white battle habits all St. Cuthbert warriors wear, but she stands out somewhat from her fellow Brides with heavy dwarven platemail rather than the standard issue chainmail armor. In battle she carries a shield and has a mace at her hip, but it typically remains on her belt so that she has a free hand to heal those around her.


Abigail is a sweet and caring individual. She will often observe others and has been able to glean very insightful things from those around her, even strangers. Despite circumstances, she has a much more relaxed attitude for a member of the Church of St. Cuthbert, and is a notable exception to the normally zealous religion. She seems to have a bit of a mischievous side, playing match maker and putting herself in situations that require being rescued. Both of these were to her friend, Sister Astrid, when she noticed she had feelings for Ürsa and because she knew Astrid wished to die in battle to end her life but wouldn't do so while a friend was in danger.



Abigail was born in one of the smaller villages in Maracia, Saltshore, to a fisherman and a gardener. Her family life was happy, if a little boring. When her father lost a leg on one of his more dangerous fishing trips, she decided she would remain to help care for her parents. Not long after she came of age, a strange illness swept through the village. It claimed both the lives of her parents and permanently damaged her lungs and weakened her immune system. She struggled her way to Two Ports to ask for aide, with her illness and delirium getting her directed to the Brides of St. Cuthbert. Despite their restoratize magic, they were unable to completely heal the damage the sickness had caused her and dispatched their medics to the village.   With her home condemned and her parents gone, Abigail stayed with the Brides. They taught her to fight and got her ordained with their order. She decided that with her condition and her desire to help others she would focus on being a healer, rather than a warrior like most of the church. Her quick thinking and levelheadedness earned her the title of Chief Medic. As a holy soldier, Abigail's biggest accomplishment was responding to an emergency call to the Greymist Mountains by the dwarf clan that resided within. Mind Flayers had attacked from the Underdark, with many being killed and others disappearing during the attacks. Sister Abigail held off an onslaught of these illithids with her shield and spiritual weapon while she healed people so that they could escape. Her bravery saved many lives and earned her the respect of the dwarves, receiving a custom fitted set of dwarvish armor to help keep her safe.   She would eventually be assigned to care for a stranger from the north, Astrid Tinnik. The woman was covered in strange wounds and had nearly bled to death. Spending time with her every day until she was recovered, Abigail would be able to see that Astrid desired to embark on a Mortem Errant after what she had been through. Convincing her to join the Brides of St. Cuthbert, Abigail would continuously make sure she always appeared to be in need of protecting, guaranteeing that the sullen woman would do her best to stay alive so that she could keep Abigail alive.

The Undesirables

Sister Abigail was part of the team assigned to Dugafjord under Mother Esther's command. She served as one of the main lieutenants and chief medical officer for the platoon that had been sent. With the wounded from surrounding villages mounting up, it was her idea to enlist the help of the Hands of Mercy and hire mercenaries. She took a particular liking to Brother Cade and supported his recommendation to hire the Undesirables.   During their time, Abigail was one of the most helpful to the mercenaries, pointing out falacies in her leader's orders and maintaining her duty to heal above any other order. She was the primary nun to heal the Feral Draconians of their curses and organize refugees and the wounded after wererats attacked the city. After Mother Esther had a mental breakdown, Sister Abigail would take over the remaining Brides that had been assigned and command them with much more effect than her predecessor. She would remain in Dugafjord to oversee the rebuilding and offer to assist the Undesirables in any way she could in the future.


Mother Esther

Abigail and Esther had a good working relationship. While they didn't always agree on methods, with Esther thinking Abigail too soft and Abigail believing Esther too much of a zealot, they balanced each other out very well. Abigail would often stand up for Esther's decisions in front of others, pointing out it was unlikely they could understand the pressure Mother Esther was under.

Sister Astrid

Abigail and Astrid aren't overly close, but during their time together in the Brides of St. Cuthbert they were typically seen around each other. Abigail had made it a personal goal to made Astrid smile and had been observant enough to see how taken her companion was with Ürsa and spent her free time subtly trying to set the two up.

Character Information


Sister Abigail is the primary person capable of removing curses in Dugafjord and is arguably the most useful Non Player Character during the events that take place.


  • Sister Abigail took over the role of unit leader and was given the title of 'Mother Abigail after her actions in Dugafjord. She became the youngest commanding officer in the Order of St. Cuthbert at this time.

Notable Items

  • Dwarven Armor: Custom armor made and gifted to her by dwarves for bravery and valor.


  • "She means well, but sometimes she gets so focused on efficiency Mother Esther forgets about humanity."
Character Type
Non Player Character   Actor
I.W.   Date of Birth
Lamad 3rd, 132AT   Place of Birth
Saltshore, Maracia Trade Alliance   Class
Life Domain   Affiliations
Brides of St. Cuthbert


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