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Fieldblues Prayer Ornaments

Fieldblues prayer ornaments are trinkets and baubles crafted from the stonegrass lavender plant, also known as fieldblues, common to the Northlands of Arsavela. This lavender plant is known for its ties to the region's patron Ascended goddess, Levje, and thus is used in many crafts and creations inspired by, and used in practice of, faith.   Prayer wands are a commonly crafted item in the Savelan Northlands. Made from Stonegrass Lavender stalks, these are the most common objects used in prayer to the goddess Levje. These fragrant wands of lavender are used in rituals of prayer aimed towards crop health and community wellness. These dried wands are burned the way one would incense, faithful using the lavender smoke to cleanse their homes and invite love and growth into their homesteads and other spaces before taking part in prayer to the goddess. Faith rituals aside, these wands are known to be enjoyed even by those who do not engage in active worship, claiming that the fragrance is relaxing and beneficial on its own, without requiring any spiritual exercises to pair with it.   Many Savelan people enjoy crafting small dolls and poppets from the lavender flowers and stalks, representing their families and close relatives for whom they wish growth and prosperity, and these dolls typically rest atop prayer altars.   Objects crafted from these lavender plants are not always intended to be objects of prayer, but most who see them will make the assumption of such. This has started to cause some strife between the people of Aurel and the Alabaster Hand, as outward displays of faith for gods beyond Atreimus have been met with increasing scrutiny, even if the practice remains legal on paper. Though none have fought loudly against this shift in attitude by the ruling party, there are many who continue to display their faith undeterred, coming to be known as the Lavender Rebellion.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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