Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

Withering of Ba'logor

In the latest years of the Nameless Age, many populations were whittled down to almost nothing. Entire civilizations came to be displaced, lost, slaughtered, or worse, and some took to an illness which nearly eliminated all of its people in an agonizing crawl. This was the near-end of pre-era Ba'logor.   Though first-hand accounts of Ba'logor's history are few and far between, many surviving records of the era suggest that Ba'logor was among the number of settlements which fell victim to the many plagues which ravaged the plane in the Nameless Era, and once faced the threat of extinction at the proverbial hands of a terrible affliction. Known now as the Withering of Ba'logor, no modern plague has ever been recorded to exhibit the same aggressive degenerative effects as this Withering, with certain magical afflictions only seeming to mimic the effects to a far lesser severity.   The Withering was said to have taken hold slowly, but surely — any hint of onset symptoms was a death sentence all its own, no matter how early the affliction was detected. No one knew if it was a contagion or an effect of the world around them, in the energies that spilled from the oblivion which surrounded them at all times in the era of war and darkness.   These onset symptoms began as rather unassuming signs of illness; fatigue begins to set in sooner than one might expect, a heavy weight rests upon your head, and the mind clouds ever so slightly. As the days pass, a dread creeps slowly through the body, pulling your weight ever farther into the earth as it travels. Exhaustion, both mental and physical, takes hold and drives most to forsake their duties in favor of rest, though sleep does little to alleviate the fatigue washing over the body. As physical activity draws to a halt, the withering stage begins to show itself to full effect, as the afflicted begin to waste away in a growing pool of their own atrophied forms. Attempting to move the afflicted at this stage causes a pain indescribable by any records found, though leaving them as they were seemed to leave them in relative peace.   This affliction tore through Ba'logor prior to the turn of the new age, and it was this affliction which drew Kora, who resided in this land prior to her travels, to make the call said to have summoned Vosra to the plane.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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