The Ruins of Tolktair

Castle Tolktair finished constuction in the dying years of the Age of Heroism. It was first built by Sir Gerlinus Tolk, knight of the Enscribed Order. The fortress was passed down through a few generations as the world's politics separated through the Age of Isolation. By the end of that dark 500 year period, Castle Tolktair fell. There were other attempts to retake the ruined castle from the goblinoid hordes that claimed the territory for their own. One attempt in the year 653 AC succeeded in retaking the keep initially but a larger band of goblinoids recaptured the keep before repairs could be made. Due to Tolktair's relative remoteness and lack of economic incentives in the area, no further attempts have been made to retake the castle. The already destroyed fortress has likely fall into further disrepair over the last 300 years.
  Head on over to the Timeline of the Silver Wardens to discover the the future of Tolktair in 1021 AC!


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