Silver Wardens

The Silver Wardens are a band of heroes based out of Warden's Hold between the Clansman Region and the Nerm-Warren Channel. The tale of the Silver Wardens is one of legendary party's birth, rise, and untimely end for the good of all. The following include the major accomplishments of the Silver Wardens. This does not include smaller tasks more about helping individuals.  The story of the Silver Wardens can be found within the timeline Birth of Legends.  Note that this Timeline contains both the stories of the Silver Wardens and the Iron Wolves as the first and second campaigns of the same player group.   Repaired/Maintained Delser Point Lighthouse
~Maintained sailing safety within the Nerm Warren Channel
~Released and soothed the troubled spirits of the area   Slain Garabor the "Wise"
~Eliminated an influential necromancer reducing the passive influx of threats in the area
~Removed a negative influence on the apprentice mages of the Alderidge Academy bettering the world for generations to come   Slain Gozeni Duskbull
~Eliminated a terror and slaver   Rebuilt Warden's Hold
~Freed slaves
~Growth of new, independent community within the region
~Established an airship route
~Estabished trade agreement of silver with the Everbright Mosque of Draman   Cleared out Tolktair Ruins
~Broke apart a goblinoid clan serving under an aberrant influence
~Slain an outside being corrupting the Weedwood into being what it is   Gained Fame within Draman
~Fought in the Kan Zaferi (Torinn)
~Competed in Chariot Races (Deryn)
~Aided the sick and wounded (Deryn and Wulfgar)
~Spread notoriety through stories and publishing a book with signed copies (Valen et al.)   Discorvered the Lost City of Vicugan
Found the hidden location of the city and confirm Equinox-based access
~Freed a Celestial trapped within the city   Banished the Influence of Marnusht, That Which Desires from the Zin Zareth
~Cleansed the Pool of Restoration
~Slain the High Priest of Desire
~Closed the Disintegration vortex to the Far Realm   The Silver Wardens' story ends with their self sacrifice to close the vortex to the Far Realm.


  Deryn Silverstar: Human Paladin 10 (Glory)   Jorg Dorrin: Human Sorcerer 10 (Storm)   Torinn Ferite: Dragonborn Barbarian 10 (Berserker)   Valen Sheepmender: Halfling Cleric 1/Bard 9 (Life/Lore)   Wulfgar: Shifter Monk 6/Druid 4 (Kensai/Grasslands)  

Previous Members

Aurora Atwood:  Halfling Druid 3 (Coast)

Other Adventuring Parties in Malpos

The Fractured Pack
Hidden Waters
Iron Wolves
Myska's Menagerie


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