Treatise to Cand Wenyakanu from Fenibis

I beseech you once more, nobility of the new house of Wenyakanu. While your intentions for a new life for your people are admirable, the location you have chosen for your renaissance is now, and will forever be, ill. The land is cursed and will only drain your peoples. I respect the lineage of your people and the wisdom that comes from elven heritage. Despite this, there are those who call even your race young and they can still see the scars of this land.   If it were within the powers of these realms to heal these lands, I would stand beside you. It is with a heavy heart that I must press that this land is now, and may forever be, polluted. Your work has not been in vain. We have come to better understand the deeprot that the Seed of Talona has caused here. As you have honored your heritage in attempting to renew these lands, it is now time for you to honor your people and lead them to places where they may be renewed. With each season their joy is drained from them. I would not wish to see where an unstopped tap could lead. For a lineage so pure of emotion, this will only lead to a people that are souless.   If not for your people, look upon your family. While the authority you wield has kept you strong, your descendant bears the brunt of your curse. Would you let the heart of your mate die so easily to maintain a power yours by a single generation of birthright? If so, only the second generation shall know it.   Where intention is righteous, judgment is clouded. You are making grand decisions in interest of the forest but have forgotten the trees. While your peoples place may be within the niche you have chosen, you have only reintroduced a native to a land forlorn to an invasive. Heavy is the burden of the crown, and heaviest in the hands when the duty is to take it off.   I beseech you to do the right thing. It is beyond me to do more than aid where I can and attempt to guide. Others will come to do the job I cannot. Gardeners weed out what is not wanted. It is with despair that I must tell you that no Holy Aspect of Gaosh owns this place. Weeds are the unwanted within a garden, and this is a Garden of Talona and Xanicksaroon   With a broken heart, Fenibis


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