Elven Etiquette

Diplomatic action


The Sapphire Oath make contact with Syvis Shaphyra, learn of the lands beyond Anrand Glad, gather further supplies, and arrange for an escort around the dangerous forest.

Shaphyra was accompanied by two guards that remained at attention while Beatle made his case to the diplomat. He explained the “fireworks” that Shaphyra had seen not long after the harvest festival announcement. He explained the court hearing, the second terror attack, and the court ordered. Most importantly, he explained their quest to stop the Galeborn's attack on Argil and their presence in the elves' region.
  Shaphyra was amused at the occurrences and willing to led what aid he could but much of what the party asked for was not his to give. He did inform the party that the name of Bludkin was affiliated with the Bludow orcs to the southern peninsula of Dremlunt. The organizers of the Galeborn attacks would be south of Anrand Glad amid the orcish lands. Passage could either go through or around the dense forest. Whether or not guides could be garnered would be up to the Rootkeeper of Gofinath.
  Bidding the companions to saddle up once more, Syvis Shaphyra did not want to dawdle. He would guide the Sapphire Oath in Gofinath and speak on their behalf for what aid could be given but this was not an issue he wanted to wait on. It would be a force march to get their this day.
  The ride into Anrand glad was a hard one that pushed further and faster than the companions had gone any of their previous days. Syvis Shaphyra wanted to report in as soon as possible to Gofinath. Whether immediate action would be taken would be determined in the future. For now, informing the Rootkeeper was the goal.
  The enlarged troops southern gallop would enter the woods by the early evening and push on to nightfall. As the woods grew darker and tighter against the trail, Gofinath came in sight. The village was made up of a cluster of large trees with platforms built across them high above. It was only in approaching the village that the companions then began to see the branchguard from behind. On the the approach the cloaked elves could not be seen.
  The singular true horse of the party was given a place to be tied off under the village as the elves' horses were released to canter about the place. The platformed village was ascended to by a rail-less staircase wrapping around the outside of one of the trees. Shaphyra led the party to a shared hospitality space with small private rooms and pointed out the building for trade negotiations with the Denmaker Qinberos.
  Heading over, the companions sought out different items from the elves. Marduk went in search of weaponry. While he could purchase elvish variations of his core weaponry, there really weren't any significant improvements for doing so. He did discover that the elves had varied ammunition in the form of armor-piercing bodkins and flesh-rending broad heads He bought a few of each to experiment with and had his short bow traded out for a long bow.
  Beatle and Ravel both purchased some rougher woodland garb to later turn into disguises to help themselves better mesh with Galeborn supporters. Investigating the better clothing the elves could weave, the groups attention was split three ways. Zith saw the splendor of even the most basic of silversilk outfits but could not afford it due to his scroll-buying habit. Ravel saw the stealthy boots and longed for them as well but held back. The one person who did buy a wondrous item of elven craft was Marduk acquiring a camouflaging cloak.
  On the topic of Zith's scroll-buying habit, he did inquire if a a few types of magic were available. Denmaker Qinberos knew that one would be available elsewhere in Anrand glad but they did not store market-scrolls in Gofinath. The incantation was to Alter one's Self magically in form and even function. It would be three days to have the scroll ran in. The party in initially decided to order the scroll to be picked up on their return trip out of Anrand Glad. However, after additional information was gained (to be discussed momentarily), they would later decide to stay those three extra day to allow Zith use of the magic while in the monstrous lands south of Anrand Glad.
  The companions would stay the evening in Gofinath and make assured use of the hospitality area. Zith got himself all cleaned up for propriety in the elven community. Drinks and snacks where had while Beatle performed. He told the tale of the vampire and sang a song about the elven side of his heritage that was inspired by his mother. The evening ended with a heroic song for each of his companions. Beatle won the heart of a lass for the evening and the companions retired for their first evening of what would be a few.
  In the morning, Syvis Shaphyra returned to the party having discussed all of the pertinent information with the Rootkeeper of Gofinath. The Rootkeeper had agreed that the Sapphire Oath should be taken south to Dremlunts. Given their mode of travel, a trio of the Branchguard would lead them around the western edge of Anrand Glad where the forest wasn't so thick. The possibility of leading them straight down the center was discussed but turned out to be unfavorable all around. It was slower, more dangerous, and exposed more of Anrand Glad's interior to outsiders than was necessary. If the Sapphire Oath needed to get to Dremlunts to oppose the Galeborn, they would be show the way around under protection. While going straight through would be shorter, the traveling arrangements of the Sapphire Oath would make the travel slower and more dangerous. There was more than one joke of letting the heroes march straight through to let the uniformed elves deeper in the wood shoot Marduk. Even so, that would be more exposure of the deep wood than they wanted.
  In this time, the quartet were informed more of their destination and provided information to help guide their choices once south of the elven wood. The northern portion of the peninsula was claimed by Orcs. The Bludow clan has ruled for the last 250 years. The orcs had established their kingdom in the ruins of the many that have come before them. They would attempt to send raiding parties around Anrand Glad but those that are seen are usually put down by the elven scouts. In addition to the orcs, Dremlunt was also home to monsters that roam its wastes. Prominent among them were swamp harpies, deathcattle, and unseelie fey such as Yeth hounds, hags, and redcaps.
  As far as the terrain went, the companions would leave the Branchguard and enter onto the Red Meadows. The terrain shared a recent history with the Bludow orcs that got their name from the “blood-dousing” they would do to their fields with the blood of their enemies. The eastern end of the Red Meadows was home to Den Bludow, the center of the orcish civilization. If the party wanted more information on the Galeborn, any knowledgeable sympathizers would likely be there. Aside from that, the Rootkeeper suggested that the Sapphire Oath continue straight on to the Alkaloks Wood. The dead wood only flourished under the magic of the Galeborn. It would certainly be where the Galeborn maestro that had planned all of the Argil attacks was located.
  Given all of the information above, the companions made the decision to stay in Gofinath for the extra time for Zith to get his scroll granted the possibility of undercover work in the monstrous communities. The party mixed training with relation until the time to leave Gofinath came.

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