Complete History of Malpos

This timeline contains all of the events to have occurred within the shared campaigns of Malpos.

Age of Heroism

  • 100 AH

    700 AH

    Wyrm Winnowing Begins
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Wyrm Winnowing begins roughly at this time.

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  • 700 AH

    Wyrm Winnowing Ends
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Wyrm Winnowing ends roughly around this time.

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  • 973 AH

    Fields of Ichor: Battle of the Abtinar Fields
    Military: War

    The Storm Broken Lands are invaded by a force of demons across the Abtinar Fields.  Continental empires and regional powers would join together to drive off the horde but not before populations were devastated and the war-torn lands would be permanently polluted by the demon ichor that flooded the fields of the dead.

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  • 987 AH

    The Kingdom of Adossag Founded

    The kingdom of Adossag was founded within an isolated woodland  by a human community driven out from their lands after the Fields of Ichor consumed their homeland.

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Age of Isolation

  • 58 AI

    Adossag's Pyre: The Pyrewood is Born

    The kingdom of Adossag falls to a devastating curse in it's third monarch's reign. The sudden collapse of the society and it's curse would be the soil that grew the Pyrewood Mounds.

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  • 356 AI

    The Second Society of Adossag Founded

    During the end imperial collapses of the Age of Isolation, a congregation of orchard elves chose to abandon the Phaloxil to secretly start their own state in the Pyrewood. Trusting in their natural skills, they saw the sick forest as an opportunity for a fresh start for both of them.  The caravan of elves leaving Phaloxil would be lost to history until Myska's Menagerie found their civilzation

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Age of Community

  • 13

    Treaty of Prism
    Diplomatic action

    Made in 13 AC to secure safety during it's expansion, the Grand Duke of Phaloxil made a diplomatic treaty with the King of Riscor-Calashen and the Court of Currents. Phaloxil sought to expand its control once again across the Storm Broken Lands after the close of the Age of Isolation. The pact assured the societies to the south that it would not claim control or influence over the border lands between the nations.

    Additional timelines
  • 48

    Exodus of Dul Kag
    Cultural event

    A majority of the dwarves of Kag Bhurim would leave their isolated city of Dul Kag to seek out a fresh start in the growing city of New Derth .

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  • 137

    Second Adossag Collapse in the Pyrewood

    The Second Society of Adossag would perish in the Pyrewood unknown to the outside world and unmourned.

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  • 694

    Betrayal of the Shid
    Religious event

    The undersea god of Zhalvazho known as the Shid was betrayed by its island followers.  As it was called out to worship, a mighty hunter of the Cosyen Kingdom attempted to fell it with a barbed harpoon of Orichalcum.  The now Wounded God abandoned his treacherous island worshippers and retreated to the depths of the world.  In the Shid's absence, the three islands were destroyed by storms, illness and invaders.  These fell islands would come to be the uninhabitable Dire Chain.

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  • 729

    Kingdom of Cosyen Falls into the Ocean

    Upon the northwest corner of the continental Zhalvazho, the peninsular nation of Cosyen crumbles from the continent into the ocean below forming the Cosyen Debris.

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  • 971

    SIMs First Constructed in Lacington
    Discovery, Scientific

    Alston of Lacington creates the first successful generally viable, nonmalicious construct workers for possible use in hazardous conditions.

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  • 992

    Sapience of SIMs Discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    The first SIM of the 100 Series thought to gain sapience of their own volition. Mass Construction of the 300 series put on hold to allow time to check the truth of the situation. Further awakening of SIMs triggered a new revolution in philosophies throughout the city.

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  • 993

    1 First Harvest

    2 First Harvest

    Crazed Hunger

    The yet-to-be-named Sapphire Order arrive in the village of Craven on a stormy night to be greeted by horror and dismay. The adventurers agree to look into the cause of a murder and find themselves face-to-face with a primal spirit deep in the woods.

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  • 993

    3 First Harvest

    Reluctant Hunter
    Discovery, Exploration

    The yet-to-be-named Sapphire oath delve into the deeper history of the barony, discover a deeper layer behind both the heads of church and state, a descend into darkness to retrieve a lost relic from a mine.

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  • 993

    4 First Harvest

    Craven Hunger
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The yet-to-be-named Sapphire Oath return to the Wendigo with answers, solutions, and a deal.  A trap is set for the ravenous Baron Harewell that require Ravel to be the prey in hopes that the party can save the Baron's soul if not his body.

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  • 993

    5 First Harvest

    8 First Harvest

    Village Respite
    Gathering / Conference

    Returning to Craven, the party made their rounds through the town, checking in with Constable Turner, Theophania, Jerome Erewalker and the like. They ensured that this dark time was over for the citizens of Craven. Constable Turner showed a different light, no longer under the partial sway of Powell. He would be doing everything he could to aid Jerome, Theophania, and the rest of the village. The party also encountered Soren Harewell. Among other things, they learned that the amulet acquired from his father's remains was used to protect the wearer from divination magic. It was the amulet that prevented any of the visiting dignitaries from learning of the Baron's state.
      Soren Harewell doffed his role as butler and presented himself to the citizenry in person, accepting his role as baron publicly though the majority of the villagers were none the wiser. Lady Louisa Prescott was also freed from her figurehead role, and for whatever the future held for her, she did not want to take control when Soren passed. Constable Turner would be headed into the County capitol to facilitate a new future for Craven and invited the companions to come with him. They turned down his offer though. With Samuel Joubert headed out to Argil in pilgrimage and quest to seek better caretakers for his tome, our heroes choose that a cause worth their attention. The Party finished out their week resting in the village before turning to the road once more.

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  • 993

    9 First Harvest

    12 First Harvest

    Traveling by a New Light

    The yet-to-be-named Sapphire Oath begin their expedition south to escort Joubert to Argil.  On their travels, they get to know each other better as well as the elder priest.

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  • 993

    13 First Harvest

    13 First Harvest

    Passing in the Blight
    Discovery, Exploration

    The yet-to-be-named Sapphire Oath come to the aid of a Wealth Reclamation Society expedition being attacked by the very trees they are cutting down in their dig site.  A tragedy is nearly avoided and a looming threat is sniffed out before it can do any more harm.

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  • 993

    14 First Harvest

    Laboratory Inspection
    Discovery, Scientific

    The yet-to-be-named Sapphire Oath  delve into the laboratory of Opcurious Tiburs to get to the bottom of the mystery and save the expedition leader Dario Rebić.

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  • 993

    15 First Harvest

    Side Effects: Loose Stool

    The yet-to-be-named Sapphire Oath clean up the last bits of mess within Tiburs' Laboratory before making their tracks back to Argil with the rest of the expedition caravan.

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  • 993

    25 First Harvest

    Arrivals and Departures

    The Sapphire Oath arrives in Argil, says goodbye to Lord Sapphire and Joubert, and take their name.

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  • 993

    26 First Harvest

    4 The Turning

    Bulk Life, Folk Life, Skulk Life

    The trio of the Sapphire Oath take a week of downtime training, getting to know the commonfolk of the city, and getting into trouble.

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  • 993

    5 The Turning

    Palms R Sweaty, Fees Week, Charms R Heavy
    Criminal Activity

    The Sapphire Oath takes on a job from the Saffron Palm. There persistence to do a complete job as opposed to a half measure leads them deeper into a conspiracy.

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  • 993

    6 The Turning

    7 The Turning

    Country Bumpkins: Mini- and King-Sized
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Sapphire Oath performs civil service adventures to earn acclaim as a means of getting an audience with the Vizconde Horith Iarnan

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  • 993

    8 The Turning

    9 The Turning

    Foundations of the Future
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Sapphire Oath are joined by the gnomish wizard Zith Vailstorm as the perform a begin the first steps to get a skyport built. Ridding a catacomb beneath the Aisalda neighborhood of yellow mold, they find more down their than just spores.

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  • 993

    10 The Turning

    Payment and Pavement
    Diplomatic action

    The renewed quartet of the  Sapphire Oath cement their relationship with the Vizconde Iarnan and plan for the project's unveiling.

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  • 993

    15 The Turning 08:00

    15 The Turning 20:00

    Harvest Festival & Allies Skeptical
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Sapphire Oath competes in Argil's festival competitions, announces the skyport as a civic project, and deals with a conflict they thought they saw coming.

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  • 993

    15 The Turning 21:00

    17 The Turning

    Sanctuary and Sanctions
    Diplomatic action

    The Sapphire Oath tries to find a path through the fallout of last nights events and choices.

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  • 993

    17 The Turning

    Akoujan v. Sapphire Oath: Trial by Combat
    Criminal Activity

    The Sapphire Oath fight for their dignity, reputation, and future in the Argil courts.  Who doesn't love some D&D Law & Order?

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  • 993

    17 The Turning 18:00

    18 The Turning

    Exit Prep

    The Sapphire Oath prepares for their expedition from Argil to Anrand Glad. In the process, they call in some favors and ensure a future in the city as best they can.

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  • 993

    19 The Turning

    27 The Turning

    Goin' to Gofinath

    The Sapphire Oath travel through the countryside at a brisk pace to get to Anrand Glad before their quarry but are made quarry themselves.

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  • 993

    27 The Turning

    3 Cascade

    Elven Etiquette
    Diplomatic action

    The Sapphire Oath make contact with Syvis Shaphyra, learn of the lands beyond Anrand Glad, gather further supplies, and arrange for an escort around the dangerous forest.

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  • 993

    3 Cascade

    20 Cascade

    Traveling Anrand Glad: A Cultural Experience
    Cultural event

    The Sapphire Oath experience the highs and the lows of traveling through an elven would with elves:  The only dangers experienced are those they wish to experience... but those they choose aren't the most civil especially considering present company.  By the end of the journey, the Sapphire Oath is less than amenable to their hosts.

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  • 993

    20 Cascade

    25 Cascade

    Dremlunts: Rhal the Breaker
    Diplomatic action

    The Sapphire Oath find the orc capable of giving them a direction to the Galeborn, it's just a process to figuire out the best means forward... both with Rhal and how to follow his instructions.

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  • 993

    26 Cascade

    2 First Snow

    Dremlunts: The Red Meadows
    Artistic creation

    The Sapphire Oath traverse the dangers of the Red Meadows under the gaze of a leering threat.

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  • 994

    3 First Snow

    Dremlunts: The Alkaloks
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Sapphire Oath fight their way through the Alkaloks Woods and attempt to solve the mysteries of the rhyme that guides them.

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  • 1021

    7 New Growth

    Gathered Pieces
    Gathering / Conference

    Disparate adventurers find themselves gathering together in the town of Locath.  Broxon and Clive arrived to the town look for jobs to gain gold and prove their capability.  Buck was brought to the port in the custody of the Phaloxil navy having been taken in with capture of the pirates that had enslaved him.  Finally, Xanstaer was taken from the ports, arrested of suspected piracy.  The guards had assumed the autognome of being a creation of the notorious mechanist pirate Gormundus Idledoom.  The collective was given opportunity to serve, recoup losses, and gain a better reputation seeking out a monster that had assaulted a carter bringing goods from Draman back to Locath.

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  • 1021

    8 New Growth

    13 New Growth

    Giant P(l)ot Holes

    The heroes who would become the Fractured Pack travel out of Locath for two days to investigate the carter tragedy before returning. They found the hill giant that had assaulted the convoy, a surviving guard, and most of the goods. Following a map that was made for the hill giant revealed the drop location for the stolen gold ingots and captain's saber. Investigating a forgot gold ingot revealed it to be only gilded, hiding a dramani steel bar underneath.

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  • 1021

    14 New Growth

    15 New Growth

    Imports and Extorts

    The future Fractured Pack return to Locath to investigate the conspiracy that had the carter's shipment attacked to obscure the smuggling of Dramani Steel. An unknown archer's arson at the docks bought the party just enough time to find the final survivor of the giant attack to testify against Captain Feit: his bosun that had been on leave to start a cartering career.

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  • 1021

    15 New Growth

    21 Blossoms

    The Everstorm Ends
    Geological / environmental event

    The eternal, riotous precipitation in the center of The Everstorm Sea ceases. Waters typically treacherous become passible and waters never seen draw the attention of those seeking glory and fortune.   With the closing of the Everstorm, the waters of the sea continued to flow outward in all directions through the channels causing a lowering of the sea level. Ports were dropped, shorelines altered, and a general panic swept the area as something so central to mortal lives and their understanding suddenly changed.

  • 1021

    15 New Growth 10:00

    21 New Growth

    Crafting and Bashing

    Taking a week or so to relax and get some personal tasks done, the heroes hear notice of a job to be done through the Open Orchid Company out in the Sunken Ceshau. Notable during this downtime was: ~ Buck increasing his appeared station through wardrobe and confronting the captain who had enslaved him before the execution ~ Xanstaer's crafting of armor for their new friends ~ Clive's partying and gambling among the docks ~ Broxon's initial success with the fighting warehouse ending with his presence when news was brought of Rogichi's death. Broxon's finale in the pit's earned him a boon from Rogichi's Spirit.

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  • 1021

    25 New Growth

    27 New Growth

    The Temple of the Ascendant Watch
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Fractured Pack take a job within the Sunken Ceshau to clear a newfound temple of it's hazards to allow a sage to safely study it's history. Within, the heroes destroyed a colony of blights that had taken the above ground ruins for their home before descending beneath to finding their way through the initiation gauntlet.   The temple proved to be a secret cult that contorted the views of Pelor and Sehanine to take their ardent followers and corrupt them. The mastermind of the cult was a Rakshasa servant of Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent. Despite the cult being long dead and signs of the worship room's inhabitants and altar being smited by divine fire, the Rakshasa Voriski was still within the temple. When first found, the Voriski appeared before them as a trapped angel seeking release. The heroes saw through the ploy though, refusing to release her. Escaping her grasp, they returned to the excavation's Sage Klofevar Inkdrivel for guidance on how to handle the trapped Rakshasa.

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  • 1021

    27 New Growth

    A Battle of Promises
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After deciding that the only means forward with knowledge of the Rakshasa's existence was to face her immediately, the Fractured Pack descended once more to her vault. Broxon had sworn to Tempus that if the “angel” had betrayed them he would take her head. Seeking to keep his promises, the party attacked in unison as feral Rakshasa retorted with all she had though limited by the time spent in the vault and separated from souls to draw power from. Throughout the battle, Voriski played in the adventurers heads, pulling out phrases memories and threatening homes. As the Rakshasa was slain, head tumbling to the ground a final promise of ruin was made while the corpse burned away, the Rakshasa returning to the nine hells to reform.

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  • 1021

    2 Blossoms

    5 Blossoms

    Glorious Return
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Fractured Pack returned to Locath in high on the glory and treasure they had received from completing their task and felling a fiend to boot. Broxon returned to the Fighting Warehouse. Challenging the champion within the cage, Broxon utilized the blessing of Rogichi for an incredibly brutal win going so far as to tear out a tusk of the orcish champion. Broxon's Biggest fan Rhys Ifans stood upon the cage, decreeing the win of “Broxon the Basher” and the partying began like none before. During the more... relaxed... downtime, Buck and Xanstaer continued their crafting and began preparations to travel West to give warning to Broxon's monastery and Xanstaer's “kindred” of future retaliation from the Rakshasa if they could not fully kill her before her return.

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  • 1021

    6 Blossoms

    12 Blossoms

    The Road to Hell is Paved & Good Intentions

    The Companion's Travel west to the blockade and ferryman ports of Fort Esmir and Fort Weston showed the dark sides to ordinary life with the calming of the Everstorm. Their travels from Locath to the southern side of the Nerm Warren included ridding troglodytes from the remains of a wrecked ship, aiding a refugee family, and devastating many more by setting up a gambling ring on the boat trapping losing gamblers in the “room” with possible home to win it all back but no possible means of fully walking away.

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  • 1021

    13 Blossoms

    Saving a Guardian Beast
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    During the Fractured Pack's journey through the wilderness to the Urja Archive, they overheard a goblin tribe corralling a giant elk into a confined space. Acting just in time, they witnessed an Ankheg burst from the ground beneath giant elk. Together, the party and the guardian beast dispatched the goblins and the insectoid monstrosity. In doing so, the party earned the respect and name of the beast: Na Pru.

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  • 1021

    13 Blossoms

    14 Blossoms

    Arrival at the Urja Archive
    Gathering / Conference

    Relationships are repaired and rekindled at his childhood home as his companions research a path forward to deal with Voriski. Broxon's interactions with his uncle Nolox started coarse before he broke down and revealed his heartache at Broxon leaving like his father had. Nolox revealed his brother Bron's ancestral name to be Brisson and he had left Broxon here in a selfish desire to go join Tempus' Order of the Steel Fang. Broxon's relationship with his childhood friend Garland was far more inflamatory as she took his leaving personally and saw his return in a more expressive personality as not being the man she grew up with.   In addition to Rakshasa and the Nine Hells, Xanstaer investigated the Everstorm to better understand it's shutdown and portals. Clive looked into possible news on his homeland and gained information on the abstract glyph he would see in his dreams being a cult of Nerull. Clive won further favor with the library by detailing their account in the temple of the Ascendant Watch and allowing them to study the ki wraps they had gotten from the temple. Buck's time was primarily spent aiding in chores as an excuse to get to know Garland

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  • 1021

    15 Blossoms

    17 Blossoms

    Finding Selves
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Seeking to master his rage, Broxon with his companions utilize the Spring of Proper Flow under the instruction of Master Lee Sin. Falling to his anger, Broxon becomes consumed by it and trapped within the spirit world. His companions must face their own traumas with the aid of a aasimar paladin of Tempus to save Broxon and give him a second shot at tempering his anger with the focus of the Lord of Battles.

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  • 1021

    18 Blossoms

    27 Blossoms

    Study Hall: Homework and Fraternization

    After the Fractured Pack's excursion into the Ethereal, their return was parked by a period of continued reprieve within the Urja Archive.  Magic Items were finished up, further studying was done, and Broxon spent much of his time mending broken bridges with Garland.  In the final moments of the party's leaving, Garland proposed a hypothetical future to Broxon, though the reality of it greatly depends on what kind of dwarf he is upon his return and who she is then as well.

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  • 1021

    21 Blossoms

    The Everstorm Resumes
    Geological / environmental event

    After a period of over one month of turmoil, the Everstorm resumes it's precipitation after a band of heroes fended off the attempted incursion of Gresn'Ilknus, The Elemental Chaos .

  • 1021

    21 Blossoms 23:00

    Tangential Electricity
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    During the Fractured Pack's downtime within the Urja Archive, a night of serious storms erupted.  Looking out over the mountain range, the occupants of the archive could see mountaintops dazzling with electrical activity.  Unsure of the cause and fearing the consequences of prolonged activity on the mountiantop above the Archive, the Fractured Pack braved the wind and wet cliff-faces.  Climbing to the top of the mountain, they found a dazzling display of lightning elementals destroying the ground on which they danced.  Only after grounding the hostile charges did the adventurers look to the east to see the darkened clouds on the horizon, the Everstorm having returned.  With it's return, a series of paranormal activities dotting the landscape.

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  • 1021

    28 Blossoms

    6 Growing Ember

    Snakes, Imps, and Refugees

    The Fractured Pack's travels from the Urja Archive.  During the trip, they learned of increased serpent activity, interacted with an imp bound in service to a hermited wizard, and first heard of the cult in the area.

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  • 1021

    7 Growing Ember

    8 Growing Ember

    Hustling, Tussling, and Rustling
    Criminal Activity

    Arriving to Lacington, the Fractured Pack finds the city in lockdown due to the number of refugees at the gates. While awaiting admittance, Broxon and Clives history of bar fights and gambling has caught up to them. Trying to hustle money from more desperate people, they find people they have already financially ruined. Winning the brawl, the two members of the Fractured Pack found the guards of Lacington to be far more stringent on maintaining order here than their past experiences in Locath's docks. Clive and Broxon were jailed within the city and did not stop their antics until an arcanist of the city was called in against them who gave them... a... job?

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  • 1021

    8 Growing Ember

    A New Heritage
    Cultural event

    During the Fractured Pack's short time within Lacington, they recieved many different perspectives on Xanstaer's creator Alston. First, the home and laboratory of Alston had been bought by a lord of the city to turn it into a museum.  Second, the party managed to acquire use of an apartment from a gnomish celebrity.  One of her attendants has miners in his family directly saved by the actions of a Sim in the past and he wanted to show his thanks.

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  • 1021

    9 Growing Ember

    Murderous Intent
    Criminal Activity

    The Fracture Pack begin their first job under Professor Trowbridge.  In leaving the city, Clive breaks away from the party to confront the men who had attacked him and got him put in jail.  Clive's actions quickly lead to him explosively murdering the ringleader and damage others with magic in front of many nervous onlookers.

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  • 1021

    12 Growing Ember

    The Cult of Cloaked Serpent
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Fractured Pack defeat a cult of Zehir and magic a contract with an imp to gain them answers to question in their eventual quest into Baator to find the reforming Voriski.

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  • 1021

    15 Growing Ember

    Death Sentence
    Diplomatic action

    In returning to Lacington, the Fractured Pack are met at the outskirts of the territory by Professor Trowbridge.  The professor brought news that Clive was wanted for the murder of multiple individuals after being released into the custody of Trowbridge.  Forcing the mage into an awful legal postion, the mage took action into his own hand to negotiate Clives fate: a death sentence.   Specifically, a death sentence carried out via banishment to the Nine Hells of Baator.  Calling a small favor and now owing a much bigger one to an archmage of Phaloxil, the Dominus Porta would send Clive and anyone willing to serve his sentence with him to Baator to their doom.  This turn of events was much sooner than anticipated or desired, nowhere near prepared, but a path forward towards your goals and away from having bounty hunters seeking out one the Fractured Pack.

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  • 1021

    16 Growing Ember

    18 Growing Ember

    Minauros: Devils, Ruth, and the Search for Voriski

    Exiled to Baator for Clive's crimes, the Fractured Pack make their way through the polluted swamps of Minauros. Fighting off devils as they went, the party sought answers from the hag Red Ruth, trekked through the hellish landscape fending off the scavengers, and made their way through the crags of an acidic labyrinth to find their destination.

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  • 1021

    18 Growing Ember

    The Cost of the Quarry
    Life, Death

    The Fracture Pack finish their descent into the temple of Zehir. They located the essence of Voriski but found more threats than just here spirit. Swarms of Zehir's children and a guardian hydra worked against the heroes' efforts to destroy Voriski forever. Despite their victory, they also bore the burden of defeat with the loss of both Clive and Xanstaer to their infernal foe.

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  • 1021

    19 Growing Ember

    20 Growing Ember

    A Pair of Funerals
    Era beginning/end

    With the remaining Fractured Pack's return from Minauros, not all evils we left beyond. The sadness and sorrow of the moment brought Broxon and Buck into a world changed forever. Perhaps only changed for them, but changed none the less. Clive was laid to rest within the hills of Phaloxil under a singular tree. Broxon labeled the marker with Clive's chosen name. The dwarf prayed to the Lord of Battles to save the soul of the man that he had brought down with his own axe. As Broxon prayed, the marker revealed an epitaph: "A Man Forever at War / A Man Now at Peace".   The party requested return to Lacington from the Dominus Porta. Back within the gnomish city, they began informing those they could of the Sim's passing. Xanstaer was interred with honor into the catacombs of the Geode Jubilance. In attendance were Sim Asterios, Professor Trowbridge, Lady Gigi, and Cladbap Orchidhand.

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  • 1021

    21 Growing Ember

    22 Growing Ember

    Kailos Laboratories: Extermination and Cooperation

    Buck and Clive take on a minor extermination and collection job for the Dominus Porta to try to clear their heads after their losses. An aid of the archmage joins them search for required documents. Despite slaying many of the experiments, they find one experiment in need of saving.   Hali and Anna join the party.

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  • 1021

    2 High Sun

    3 High Sun

    Absent of Honor

    The fractured Fractured Pack's time in Locath is cut short as Broxon's bottled up mourning finally shatters. Returning to the dockside fighting warehouse, the dwarf's mediocre bouts end with him killing a fan. Broxon flees across town to finish drinking the day away before being confronted by an angelic marshal to correct his course. With only enough time in town for the other three companions to acquire what goods they needed, the party leaves the next morning to continue their journeys.

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  • 1021

    12 High Sun

    The Raid of Langdale
    Military action

    Seeking a means of crossing Nystor's Path, the party arrive at the port town of Langdale to find it assailed by pirates. The partial Pack rushed into the danger, fought back the pirate crews, and parlayed with the operational leader of the assault. Buck learned of the slaving plantation he was destined for and Hali gained an odd inclination towards a ghost story from the region, the Tertalak. In the end, the party was victories in their defense of the town, and the reputation of the Fractured Pack continued to grow once more a party of four.

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  • 1021

    14 High Sun

    Scraggly Taxi
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Fractured Pack hitches a ride across Nystor's Path on the return journey of a fishing vessel that routinely makes a copper delivery from the Cuport for the dwarves of the Copper Hills.  On the journey, Broxon learned the name of the last dwarven family in the area to make a voyage back to Dul Kag: The Hardguts.  The dwarf also learned that many years earlier, the Thunderbraids (the copper transporters) had also ferried Bron across Nystor's Path as well.   Not just a time of rumination, the small boat was attacked midway through the ride by a small band of scrags, one of which wore a coral crown.  After felling the creatures with Hali's keen insight to immediately use acid on them, the party found that the coral crown had lodged within it a Ring of Fire Resistance:  Truly an item to make a scrag troll a king... if not for the hammer Jotunfel.

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  • 1021

    17 High Sun

    18 High Sun

    Invasive Species
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After docking in Cuport, the Fractured Pack's foot travel began. The first waypoint in their search for Dul Kag was the home of the Hardgut clan. During the visit to the home of these hill dwarves, the adventurers made themselves useful to their ills. While most of their mining and herding was going fine, the Hardguts did have one mine that they had to abandon due to a combination of hazards. A chimney fluke from the underdark had been uncovered allowing for fungus, slimes, and hook horrors to begin making their way up. The Hardguts had attempted to pipe in a poison gas to kill them but that had failed... the gas was from the underdark already so they were already accustomed to it.   In the end, Broxon, Hali, and Anna managed to exterminate the hive of hook horrors and incinerate the fungi and slimes that had taken hold of the caves. The mines will now be useable by the Hardguts again... once they get the poison gas blown out. During all of this time, Buck was distracted by helping the shepherds with a pair of newborn twins one of the sheep had had.   Thankful for the help, the Fractured Pack was given a day of rest and food within the Hardgut home and they were more than sharing with their information about Dul Kag.

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    23 High Sun

    26 High Sun

    In the Minority
    Diplomatic action

    After spending four days of travel split between hills and forest, the Fractured Packs' journey takes a detour. The Pack begrudgingly allies with the Ashskin gnolls to earn themselves safe passage through a wilderness claimed by dozens of gnoll, goblin, and orc tribes each willing to defend their territory from "civilized" outsiders.   The Pack is tasked with removing a threat from the Ashskin's temple ruins but find a phoenix, sickened from the elemental fluxes of the past spring. Rather than killing the entity guarded by the wood woads of the shrine of Sylvanus, the Pack decided to aid it. The party journeyed to Lushbrume (a nearby volcano), in search of fireapples to return the phoenix's strength. Therein, the pack worked in conflict with the local fire giants. They received a prophecy from the Oracle of the Heartfire, acquired the Fireapples, and Broxon challenged a champion. In the end, Broxon lost but did so honorably. Jotunfell was destroyed but it was replaced by giant craft armor.   The party returned to the nurse the phoenix back to health and earned safe passage through the monstrous territories.

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    26 High Sun

    28 High Sun

    Working Towards Your Gnolls

    The two and a half day journey for the Fractured Pack to the Runol Pass was escorted by Thol and other gnolls of the Ashskin clan. The journey took them through the territories of many gnolls, goblinoids, and orc territories. This voyage was streamlined by the hunter's aid. The Fractured Pack avoided the worst areas entirely and utilized the politics of the tribes in the lesser areas.

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    27 High Sun

    Desires and Demands
    Diplomatic action

    During their journey, both Hali and Buck pursue further ties outside the Fractured Pack.

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    1 Radiance

    Runol Passed Eye
    Military: Skirmish

    The Fractured Pack traverse the Runol Pass, slay a trio of cyclops, and find a clue to their given prophecy.

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    2 Radiance

    Thunderhoof Huff and Thjoldmondr Bluff
    Life, Milestone

    The Fractured Pack encounter a tribe of the Risen Caste, rescue the white-haired woman of their prophecy, and call in the Dominus Porta's favor.. In they end, they find themselves in a secret campsite with an Anvilguard of Dul Kag.

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    3 Radiance

    Drakes, Drakes, Dranks
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Fractured Pack climbs the entirety of Thjoldmondr, deal with a pack of drakes, are interrogated by Commander Drakemace, and find rest inside the city of Dul Kag.

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    4 Radiance

    Never Dul in Dul Kag
    Cultural event

    The companions begin to uncover realities within Dul Kag. Hali seeks treatment for her legs, Anna discovers the modern history of an ancient plague, and Broxon confronts his father.

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    5 Radiance

    6 Radiance

    Gathered Goods

    In need of work, a collection of adventures gather together in Galley View. Under pay of the Phaloxil military, the band of mercenaries set out to find the cause of an attacked riverboat carrying goods.

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    5 Radiance

    Gloss and Grime
    Life, Identity

    The Fractured Pack begin to settle into Dul Kag as educations of the day prior bring revelations as the informations fully coalesces.  Hali begins her treatments.  Broxon learns of his mother.

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    6 Radiance

    5 First Harvest

    Developed Relations, Divine Inspirations
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    After having two days within Dul Kag to orientate them themselves and having their intial questions answer, the Fractured Pack determined to settle for the moment to achieve tasks impossible to them while on the road. Research, crafting, and relationships marked the broadest sense of their next month.

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    7 Radiance

    The Lighthouse's Tale
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Delser Point Lighthouse has long stood as a guide through the norther Nerm Warren. However, the magic that keeps the continual flame atop it has faded and sputtered through lack of care. The light house has been abandoned and haunted since the last keeper threw himself from the tower. The gathered mercenaries were tasked with re-enchanting the beacon at the top.

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    10 Radiance

    Climbing Hills, Seeking Aid

    In seeking out the Alderidge Academy, our heroes overcame their largest foe. It was giant... like, literally... it was a hill giant.

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    11 Radiance

    Darkwood and Delusions

    The band of adventurers undertook a task to retrieve a limb of a darkwood tree from far within the Bramble Thicket for Professor Lunadream of the Alderidge Academy. The plantlife resisted and the return to the alderidge was obfuscated by the illusions of pixies.

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    13 Radiance

    Cleansing the Soilrot
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Coming and going through the years, an individual known as "Garabor the Wise" traverses the region.  He does predentary rituals to bless the land.  Professor Eloise Ophin of the Alderidge Academy knows that Garabor uses his time in the nearby Blumenpom to encourage academy students to explore the darker arcane arts.  The mage hired our adventurers ensure that no further corruption was spread.

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    15 Radiance

    25 Radiance

    Hunting Horror

    The party meets the a feral man seeking aid. While traveling the countryside, he witnessed the butchering of a farming family in the middle of the night. He came to the Alderidge Academy to either find help or find information on whatever beast did this.
    Wulfgar joins the party

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    25 Radiance

    Slaying the Boogeyman
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After returning to Delmon Ranch where this started for the party, they send a letter with Jorg's hawk familiar Bulwark to Argenhill.  The letter threatened and challenged Gozeni.  The letter was actually sent the day prior over the great distance in hopes of Gozeni Duskbull coming this day.  It wasn't until late this night that Argenhill thugs came as raiders to fell and capture the adventurers for mine work.  Only after many fell and some begged to be spared after fireballs tore through them did the oni sho herself, flying and invisible in the sky, release a gale of frozen air down on top of the party below.   After slaying the horror and removing her head, the party sent on of the survivors on horseback to return to Argenhill.  The intent was intimidate and establish a powerful position.  When the party eventually arrived the next day they found the messenger piked out front.

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    26 Radiance

    The Assault on Argenhill

    Moving in stealthily, Wulfgar took out the gate guards before heading for the center of town.  The rest of the party followed in after on horseback.  The battle tore through the thugs and slavers up top with the conscripted soldiers quickly giving in to the change in power as the heroes called out for freedom of the miners (the conscripted soldiers families).  The battle quickly shifted lower into the mines and after a brash decision, tumbling down and elevator shaft to the smeltery.  More thugs and a half ogre were taken out before the party found Steward Terrowin Gozman surrounded by miner hostages and alchemical combustibles.  Wulfgar vaulted over the hostages and dealt with Gozman.  Valen brought the man under an enchantment, the battle was fully ended and authority of the mine shifted to the party

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    First Harvest

    Founding of the Silver Wardens and Warden's Hold

    The party of adventurers have committed themselves to these people and take Argenhill as their own.  Taking the name of the Silver Wardens, they have formally dedicated themselves to each other and towards virtuous and glorious deeds they can accomplish together.

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    5 First Harvest

    Argenhill Memorial Festival of Pasts and Futures Lost
    Cultural event

    A week after the assault on Argenhill, the party of adventurers hosted a feast in remembrance and community. The memorial brought together those who had survived the atrocities of the mines, the communities of lost and broken rural families, and the Haggards needing a new beginning after being a part of something heinous of which they were unaware. It was during this memorial that Gabriel and Eliza Cofle showed off their new child and informed Deryn that they had named him Deryl.

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    5 First Harvest

    8 First Harvest

    Old Tales, New Trails, Borrowed Veils, Blue Jails

    The Fractured Pack head back out onto the road for their next goal of finding the Tertalak and saving the slaves of Craven Cove.  The travel back down Thjoldmondr, stay in the Anvilguard outpost they had on the way up, and encounter the remains of both living and dead villages from Anna's Lung Rot notes.

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    8 First Harvest

    9 First Harvest

    Why is Everything Armor Plated?

    The Fractured Pack continue their expedition through the Ulgos Jungle to find eclectic threats despite all have armor plated hides.

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    9 First Harvest

    Another's Wilde Den
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Fractured Pack are tossed into a tangential side adventure within the Feywilde that holds deeper conequences than anyone could have imagined.

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    10 First Harvest

    11 First Harvest

    Post-Vacation Blues
    Life, Relocation

    The Fractured Pack's return to the prime material is rougher on them than they had expected.  Back in a jungle that is not the Ulgos, the party spend a day and a half in rest.  They meet a lizardfolk medic from the village Jijiado and gain leads on possibly both Craven Cove and the Tertalak.

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    12 First Harvest 06:00

    12 First Harvest 12:00

    Beherror 404: TerLacking, Not Found
    Military: Battle

    The Fractured Pack face the monster that threatens the lands north of Jijiado to both great accomplishment and minor dissappointment.

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    12 First Harvest 12:00

    12 First Harvest 24:00

    The Narrative Ripens
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Fractured Pack find a horror centralized around a lost seafaring vessel run aground in the middle of the jungle. They hear of some mysterious "Lady" before having to deal with a bloodsuckin threat. Within the vessel, they find austere evidence of an aberrant force of nightmares that Hali claims to be a lead on the Tertalak.

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    13 First Harvest

    14 First Harvest 05:00

    Seeking Out Nightmares and Finding One
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The Fractured Pack finds the Shrine of the Slumbering Nightmare and starts the dominoes of a tragedy.  Four companion's heated press into the shrine ends with only three fleeing from it.  They seek a hole to hide in by there can be no true rest around this Shrine.  When the nightmare finally ends, reality must be faced.

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    14 First Harvest

    The Day After Party
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Fractured Pack has two massive decisions to make:  how to respect their friend and what to do next.

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    15 First Harvest

    16 First Harvest

    Rose Tinted Shattered Glasses
    Diplomatic action

    The Fractured Pack turns their attention to Craven Crove with previous realities smashed.  In their journey, they find the aid of another with similar cracks in their future plans.  With more information about Craven Cove at hand than they would have otherwise had, the Fractured Pack accepts the aid of a previous member of the cove.

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    16 First Harvest

    Welcome to Craven Cove
    Cultural event

    The Fractured Pack arrive to the outskirts of Craven Cove to many realizations.  They had learned from Sigismund that it was bigger than they thought but now they truly see it.  They also learn that this task is going to be much harder than previously thought.  Finally, pieces fall into place as to how their previous encounters in these jungles relate to one another.

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    19 First Harvest

    The Burrow of Clan Kloughda
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Silver Wardens sought to end the troubles of Clan Haggards infertile lands. Going to an ancient burrow thought to be haunted, the Wardens found falling through the initial chamber a secondary, larger catacomb filled with an entire lineage of skeletons taken care of by their family head. The priestly patron had made a deal with Noraferox to be able to always care for his kin. The Soultrembler granted the halfling patron this capability for far more than just his life. In exchange, Nora was given her freedom of the lands of Kloughda. The Hag could treat the abodes as hers and was owed the respect of the burrows being her home.   The Silver Wardens destroyed the clan and headman, freeing their souls to continue on. Little did the party know that Noraferox watched the entire enterprise.

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    19 First Harvest

    Soultrembling and Presence Ending.
    Political event

    The party's social mistake with Noraferox within the Clan Kloughda Burrow exposed them to a greater example of her nightmarish title of Soultrembler.  All of the Silver Wardens except for Deryn fell prey to her night terrors but in the end made a deal to free the surrounding lands of her presence for 100 years and to free the Haggards from their deal.

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    26 First Harvest

    8 The Turning

    Weeding the Weedwood

    The Silver Wardens travel to the Weedwood to seek out the Ruins of Tolktair.  The keep was the center of golblinoid influence in the region.  The party gained an ally in the trapper Mira Gilsdottir and experienced first hand the eternal hunger of the region.

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    3 The Turning

    The Shrill and the Void Gullet
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 1021

    3 The Turning

    The Siege of Tolktair
    Military action

    The Silver Wardens assaulted the ruined keep after an invisible investigation.  The party hit the surpised goblins hard but were hard shook when King Yamarz managed to gather a unit to counter attack.  The party eventually pushed the hobgoblin to retreat to the dungeon where the finished the battle among his bodyguards.  Only Silug the Shrill was left...

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    14 The Turning

    16 The Turning

    Bilespire's Bluff
    Discovery, Exploration

    On their journey to Draman to seek out diplomatic ties to grow Warden's Hold, the Silver Wardens followed the folklore of Bilespire in an attempt to further improve the area and grow their legend. Their time around Bilespire led to encounters with mutant creatures and eventually speaking to the great arcanist within Bilespire through the tower itself. The party left Bilespire with a task to acquire goods for the mage within to earn their full attention.

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    23 The Turning

    15 Cascade

    Dramani Diplomacy
    Diplomatic action

    The Silver Wardens spent three weeks within Draman establishing diplomatic relations within the city.  The party gained fame through fighting in the Kan Zaferi, competing in the sports fields, spreading stories in person and in print, doing good deeds, and researching in an altruist's museum.

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    26 Cascade

    10 The Thaw

    Winter in Warden's Hold
    Construction beginning/end

    With a winter to prepare for the expedition to Vicugan, the Silver Ward took their gathered wealth and funding from Maha Fillerin to better themselves and their home.  Warden's Hold's basic silver mining operation within the ruins of Argenhill was overall improved with the mines recieving increased funding, the keep being rebuilt and a tower built for Jorg's studies.  Magical items were made and training was done all around.

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    27 The Thaw

    Expedition for Vicugan Begins

    The Silver Wardens began their expedition from Draman in search of the ancient lost city of Vicugan.

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    27 The Thaw

    13 New Growth

    Expedition for Vicugan

    The Silver Warden's set out into the Zin Zareth in search of Vicugan. They rode their way through the dunes upon a sandcrester, guided by the historian and archeaologist Inialos Olara and operate by the dwarven brother Darbin and Olog. Through the journey they encountered sandstorms bent around them by Jorg, a giant sand kraken, and the warring of the Musafirin and the Al-Iborak.

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    13 New Growth

    The Discovery of Vicugan
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Silver Wardens discover the lost dwarven city of Vicugan in the Zin Zareth. Deep in the sands, a regional bank of illusion hides the plateau the city is built next to and within. A buried outer city is separated from the inner city by a defended gate within the plateau.

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    13 New Growth

    The Junun and the Battle of the Colossi
    Military action

    The outer, buried ruins of Vicugan's traveler's district were controlled by a horde of jackalwares known as the Junun ("The Lunacy"). Before the Silver Wardens had crossed through the protective hallucinatory barrier, the horde attacked the expedition at night attempting to steal Silug's Siphon from Jorg. Upon getting to the city, the remains of the horde were slain. In moving through the plataue's crags, the party found the final warchief's and the Void Gullet shaman waiting. A final unknow threat showed itself as the Junun activated the great defenses of Vicugan to defend themselves, using arcane thrones to operate colossus states at the expense of their own life force.

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    15 New Growth 12:00

    Vicugan's Prismatic Gate Falls
    Discovery, Exploration

    As predicted though different than intended, the changing of the seasons brought with it access to the interior of Vicugan. The Prismatic Wall that protected the interior city dropped at noon of the Spring Equinox. The secretive city's automatic defense against outsiders during the colder, more temperate half of the year dropped. Open access to the city only exists when travelers would need to traverse the deadly desert, giving the occupants easier leeway to come and go when less likely to be harassed for their secrets.

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    15 New Growth 14:00

    Angel Freed
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Silver Wardens discovered and freed an angel trapped by the cult of Marnusht, That Which Desires . The angel had been trapped within the temple ziggurat since the fall of Vicugan. It had existed as a mute figurehead to substantiate the cult's "truth" and "righteousness". In being freed, the celestial used what remaining power it could to cleanse the present part of the city utilizing the aurora crystals to spread its divine light.

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    15 New Growth 23:00


    After the Silver Warden freed the angerl trapped by the followers of Marnusht, they descended further into Vicugan scouting the magma filled industrial district before returning outside for rest.  In the night, an Ethereal Filcher showed itself to be integrated into their camp where it stole Silug's Siphon.

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    16 New Growth

    Cleansing of the Restoration Pool
    Religious event

    Delving too far and too fast into Vicugan after the loss of Silug's Siphon, Valen took the brunt of a Neothelid's psionics and was Feebleminded.  The Silver Wardens were forced to turn back to the temple of Sol.  The performed a ritual to purifying the Pool of Restoration from Marnusht's influence and save Valen's mind.

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    16 New Growth 19:00

    Superego VS Id
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Silver Warden's descended into the temple of Marnusht, That Which Desires , battled against his high priest, and sacrifice themselves through the Power of Friendship to banish his influence from Vicugan once and for all.

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    16 First Harvest

    17 First Harvest

    CC: Awakenings
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Fractured Pack come to realize the ramifications of what they have dug their way into.  Threats are greater in magnitude and number than they ever thought.  In desperation, they turn to a darkness for aid.

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    17 First Harvest

    CC: Realities
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Fractured Pack regroup and commit fully to Louisa Prescott and the Tertalak.  Many clues are connected in time for another problem to be realized.

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    18 First Harvest

    19 First Harvest

    CC: Mutinies
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Fractured Pack turn their attention toward the Captain of the Cove, Godwin Moore.

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    25 New Growth

    New Found Facets

    A new band of heroes find themselves slowly gathered with wilderness of the Storm Broken Lands Easter forests and mountain ridges.  Called down into a cave above the Runol Pass, Chuptah and Astrid are joined in the shadows by Crush and Fozz.  Their journey takes them through a gate into a pastel, muffled plane and into a temple containing the Shade Crystal, a broken and scattered Lesser Idol seeking to make itself whole again.  The party agree to help for a myriad of reasons from altruism through future reciprocity.

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    26 New Growth

    27 New Growth

    Half-There Halfling and Doubled Danger
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The newfound companions of the Shade Crystal seek to complete Chupta's pickup and delivery task.  Seeking out a Mountain Man hermit near the Runol Pass, the party found his home burned to the ground a smoldering.  The hermit Batsu Tau's existence has been one of sales and diplomacy with the local gobolinoids and Giant kin.  Yesterday, an ettin led the ogre clan to the house collected the supplies, and then burned all the ogres alive within it while a groggily watching Batsu did nothing.
    The party tracked down the ettin, found it ruling a goblin tribe, and then liberated the goblins to discover the ettin to itself be using a newly empowered Temperance Shard to access magic and greater intelligence.  The ettin was slain and the party gained both the Temperance Shard and Chuptah required tincture.

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    27 New Growth

    5 Blossoms

    Lost Shrines and Found Family
    Discovery, Exploration

    The servants of the Shade Crystal travel from mountian to wood to hill-lands.  They encounter a lost wilderness shrine to Sylvanus, have communion with the Shade Crystal, aid a dwarven family with an ankheg infestation, and are guided to Cuport to finish up their travels on the easter section of the Storm Broken Lands.

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    6 Blossoms

    7 Blossoms

    Capsule Beneathe Nystor's Path

    The servants of the Shade Crystal sail across Nystor's Path. On the way, the dwarven fishermen giving passage requested that Crush keep an eye out under the water for any sunken vessels that might have any lost goods. The Tortle along with Chupta's School of Familiars managed to locate lost copper shipments but nothing else major. The party split the find with the fishermen. The next day they made dock in Langdale placing the crew onto the Colonial Highway and the Cobblestone Serpent.

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    7 Blossoms

    11 Blossoms

    Cordial Carnivals and Eviction Gnolltice

    The servants of the Shade Crystal make the most of their fast and fervent travel through the Cobblestone Serpant upon Rachit and the conjured carpet. They held a minor Carnival in Pendle, showed up some lazy guards in Grimsby, and drove off a pack of gnolls attempting to establish new territory upon the banks of Loch Amlow.

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    12 Blossoms

    13 Blossoms

    The Family that Stunts Together Hunts Together

    After spending the last leg of their travel performing at a circus and breaking up a hunting band of gnolls, the Shade Crystal Gang marks the final length of their savannah journey to Bactran avoiding rhinoceros middens and hunting antelope together.

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    15 Blossoms

    16 Blossoms

    Hospitali-Tea: Delivered Parcel and Forwarding Address
    Gathering / Conference

    The servants of the Shade Crystal arrive in Bactran, Chupta delivers his parcel, and the party begins negotiations with a middle-man to the owner of the next Temperance Shard.  The party agree to a perform a heist, but before they can get there they end of mugging a wagon.  Even Ordained crime can get sidetracked with criminal activity.

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    21 Blossoms

    22 Blossoms

    The Casino Always Wins
    Criminal Activity

    The servants of the Shade Crystal hold their casino heist and steal the Karma's Embrace. Only once flying away with city alarms going off behind them did further knots in their plan come to light. The relations between their Temperance Shard contact, the owner, and the human to be humbled in this plot are much more closely tied together than anyone realized. In the end, the party finds itself with egg on its face and following through with a contract they would rather disavow to hold a second heist against their employer. In the end though, Chupta guides the party to following through on their word, acting in as good of faith as possible even if their employer doesn't.

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    21 Blossoms

    Maha Sardar of the Saquris Cross, Bactran, Murdered
    Political event

    Maha Sardar of the Saquris Cross, Bactran, was poisoned within the Spor Solanu bathouse and gymnasium. The murder was aided by chaos elsewhere in the his district as a public health distubrance was performed at the Lady's Charity Casino drawing away guards and specialists to aid in that investigation.

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    23 Blossoms

    27 Blossoms

    Old Adossag, New Adossag: A Haunting Hunt for a Crown.
    Discovery, Exploration

    The servants of the Shade Crystal take a 24 hour air ship ride down to the Pyrewood Mounds, explore for three days, before returning to Bactran. Their quest for the crown of lost kingdom of Adossag was successful and moreso. The party discovered a completely unknown Second Society of Adossag, Orchard Elves that had attempted to recultivate and heal the place before they too fell to it. The party discover the ghostly prince, fend off and eventually defeat the dullahan of haunting the realm, and find not one but two interlinked crowns: the adamantine crown of the kingdom they sought for Altomari and the second crown of the New Society made of Temperence Shards formed into a wondrous item. Through the course of the adventurer, multiple party members found themselves slowly corrupted by the Pyrewood Mounds, afflicting them in strange ways.

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    26 Blossoms

    The New Society of Adossag Discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    The forgotten existence of the New Society of Adossag was discorvered by the Crystal Shadows .

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  • 1032

    Growing Ember


    Work, School, Repeat: A Family Experience

    Myska's Menargerie took half of year within Bactran to get off their feet and live life. Downtime was spent aiding in the crafting of new armor for Astrid, business endeavors, research, and getting Chupta's mother set up within the exquisite hospital the Jatri'nın Hastanesi.   During this time, Crush decided that he was willing to merge his Crown of Thoughts into the Shade Crystal as well.

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    1 Growing Ember

    Myska's Menagerie

    After acquiring Altomari's collection of Temperance Shards, the combination of shards doubled the quantity of Self brought back to the Shade Crystal. At the merging, Fozz's scrutinization of the shards causedpanic, hand grabbing harshly, whiteknuckled onto the chair next to him. With the growth of power, his discerning awareness once more picked up the faint ringing of chains similar to what he had witnessed in the liminal space of preserved death.   With the merging, the Shade Crystal's strength grew. While still not to a level that would allow free conversation, the party would now be able to call upon it's wisdom in discreet moments outside of the mergers. With the collection of Temperence Shards also came a gathering of memories. It seems that with each new addition to the collection, not only are new powers unlocked, but new memories as well, memories that had been lost with each Temperance Shard sent away. The entity's name was at some point Myskothema though it knows not when nor how exactly it had acquired the amount of power that it had. It is sure that it had to be taken from another for it cannot fathom something giving away such a vast amount of power willingly. For now, the party has agreed to call it Myska and have claimed the terms of Myska's Menagerie and Myska's Miscreants for themselves.

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  • 1033

    1 First Snow

    6 First Snow

    New Lead: A Rocous Journey

    Myska's Menagerie start the new year with a new lead to tracking down the Temperance Shards.  Leaning on both Crush's research and Myska's renewed memories with more shards added to the Shade Crystal, the party is headed to the Ulgoine Valley.  Chupta joins Temren Kut on alternating shifts flying the airship to speed their journey along.  Their flight does catch something's attention though...

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    6 First Snow

    7 First Snow

    Over Ulgos and Within

    The following day led Myska's Menagerie out from the mountains and over the Ulgos Jungle. The journey over the rich green forests was simple, with continued training among your party members. Crush spent a day flying down among the jungle to witness large insects, carnivorous plants, and the territorial bouts of monstrous, metallic bulls causing the forest area to crumble to dust. Chupta expanded his powers by welcoming his companions into his luxurious ring for the first time. Crossing the jungle border by the second afternoon, the party began to see villages scattered in the distance.

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    8 First Snow

    Giants Are Not Dragons
    Military: Skirmish

    Getting to what would have been the hospitable lands of the central Ulgoine Valley, Myska's Menagerie finds that it still is home to an entire civilization, just not the kind of folk their were expecting. A village of goblins is attacked by a mixed band of two stone and two hill giants. The party is split on who to aid. In the end, they find the next clue to Temperance Shard activity in the Valley.

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    9 First Snow

    Citadel of the Fated Ord-ning
    Discovery, Exploration

    Myska's Menagerie discover a double conspiracy of gigantic proportions.  A troup of giants have taken over the Citadel of the Fated Order and seem to be planning to rule the entire Ulgoine Valley.  Despite that, the path forward isn't straight forward.  A childhood friend of Chupta's is found within the fortress, the leader's goals aren't what he says, and the Menagerie are put between a Rock and a Heart place.

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    10 First Snow

    12 First Snow

    Favoring a People Not Your Own
    Military: Battle

    Myska's Menagerie are forced to choose between immediate access to the longer term goal and and long term purpose.  They could return to Jibrom's fortress to acuire the multiple Temperance Shards there before the giant have much time to prepare.  Alternatively, they could head down into the valley to aid a community of outcasts and protect their peaceful way of life.

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    13 First Snow

    14 First Snow

    Home Field Add-Cabbage
    Military: Battle

    Myska's Menagerie delve through a mountain to catch Jibrom by surprise in is laboratory. The Menagerie put an end to the maestro and his puppeteered warlord.  More than just Temperance Shards are found in the laboratory: dozens of mysterious components, brews, and reagents whose power comes from a subtle science beyond the sight off man; potions, scrolls, and a codex.

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    15 First Snow

    22 First Snow

    Building to Greater Heights
    Construction beginning/end

    Myska's Menagerie savor their victory, return to their foundation in the Ulgoine Valley to rebuild in the aftermath, and seek out answers from an old people.

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    22 First Snow

    Open Up a Kag
    Cultural event

    Myska's Menagerie are tentatively welcomed into Dul Kag as their look for answers.

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    22 First Snow

    23 First Snow

    Dreams and Connections
    Life, Supernatural

    Crush is visited in his dreams by the voice of Chris once again. Crush attempted to connect with his brother but lost him to the influence of this unknown Scizzord pulling him away. Slowly, the party convened that night to discuss what should be done with this information. Only after a handful of possibilities were discussed did Chuptah reveal a new twist to the entire situation.

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    24 First Snow

    15 Heart of Winter

    I'll Turn This Ship Around

    The next few weeks for Myska's Menagerie were marked by travel, training, writing, and reflection. In addition to this downtime, Chupta, Crush, and Fozz have highlights in the entry “Boys are Bac- in Town” while Astrid's downtime earned a revelation in “His Stories”   The boy's flight to Bactran and later back to Dul Kag to retrieve Astrid was filled with a similar set of activities: Chupta mastered the art of flying the airship, Crush wrote out a book of his knowledge of the infernal tongue, and Fozz spent the majority of his time in meditation to the point of training his shadow to be quiet when he needed him to. Fozz's mediations were marked by the shadow throwing ball bearings at him, incessantly ringing a bell, and eventually breaking a lantern and stating a small fire.   Back in Dul Kag, Astrid's time was spent in a myriad of ways. She located a private investigator through the Drowned Miner's Den to look into her father by name. In the mean time, she spent time getting to know the Hollowed Halls. She attempted to find traces of Temperance Shards but instead got nothing. Commander Drakemace's claims checked out that they had been taken long ago. In the process, though, she managed to find Nemil Grimbrew, a tattoo artist that she would later hire to do a flailshard tattoo on her arm enchanted to aid in combat. The other portions of her time were spent aiding in smithies and forges learning of the third dwarven culture of smithing in the process and rounding out her skills in the trade.

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    5 Heart of Winter

    6 Heart of Winter

    Boys Are Bac- in Town
    Diplomatic action

    Fozz, Chupta, and Crush's time in Bactran reveals much.  The connection of Scizzord to the Temperance Shards and Altomari is opened up and more arrows are pointed towards the Timberbank.  Chupta's mother is given extra magical attention from the party and is the best she has ever been in years.  A quick stop at Shook's Nook gathers the party more toys and leverage.

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    16 Heart of Winter

    His Stories
    Life, Identity

    After Myska's Menagerie regrouped in Dul Kag and caught each other up on the happenstances of their weeks, they prepared for their voyage northward. Astrid just had one last appointment. She met up with the PI Mods to hear what the investigator had to say. Apparently, Torbjörn Sjöberg had been a lead in mining expeditions a handful of decades back. Low stuff, near the cusp of the underdark, During a collapse, he saved 17 people but didn't make it out himself. At least not immediately. Rather, a year and a half later he found his way back up and out, carrying on him his entire pieced together means of survival, everything from shelter to jarred oozes and caged critters for defense of the wilds below. He attempted to get back to life but the celebrity didn't suit him, the questions and prying eyes trying to figure out what his life had been first got him to shift from the mines to the smithies. Then they got him to pack up all his belongings into a mulehut and leave Dul Kag all together to find someplace else to live that didn't know him. Her answers gotten, Astrid was ready to join the journey northward.

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    17 Heart of Winter

    25 Heart of Winter

    Finding Winter

    Myska's Menagerie travel from Dul Kag to Lybonpost by airship. The travel was overall easy in terms of imminent threats. The difficulty came in temperature. Each journey the party took grew colder and colder as both the year delved deep into winter and they now were headed for the timberbank itself. As the airship flew over the junction of the Icebirth and Nystor's path, Crush separated from his friends. He would meet them at Lybonpost but there was someplace he needed to go first. Taking to the winds to carry him outward, he galed away.

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    24 Heart of Winter

    25 Heart of Winter

    The Winds Bleed Back Home
    Life, Identity

    Crush flies back home to find that his home isn't what it's supposed to be.  He finds his father tortured as a dark message from Scizzord.  If visiting Bactran brought answers about Scizzord, Crush visiting home brought a new booklet of questions.

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    25 Heart of Winter

    26 Heart of Winter

    Tradecraft and Crafted Trades
    Financial Event

    Myska's Menagerie arrive at Lybonpost to trade and prepare for their next adventure in these tundra lands.  Mundane and magical gear is acquired as Crush rejoins the party.  When the plan seems vaguest, a new lead guides their way.

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    27 Heart of Winter

    28 Heart of Winter

    Anomalies of Ice and Shadow
    Disaster / Destruction

    Myska's Menagerie unearth a herald of an elder evil and the ringing of chains in Fozz's head spell doom.

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    1 The Still

    6 First Snow

    Poor Retreatment

    The stress and mourning with Myska's Menagerie lead to further fractures and a returning to Bactran.

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    7 The Still 08:00

    Shared Contact of a Friend of a Cover ID of a Luck Child Whose Former Employee is a Lost Relation of the Person of Interest
    Gathering / Conference

    Myska's Menagerie bring their stresses to Orwin Oreson, meet a new companion, and seek out a contact that may know where Scizzord is.

    (Rajdeep Maichu, Maximilian Farwood, Orwin Oreson/Sicuro Altomari, Crush Tengral, and Scissord. If you were wondering.)

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    7 The Still 17:00

    Scizzord: Twice Removed From My Life
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Myska's Menagerie have their first meeting with Scizzord.

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    8 The Still

    Legends & Scorn
    Discovery, Exploration

    Myska's Menagerie learn more of their quarry and witness the first major fracturing of Altomari's confidence.

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    9 The Still

    14 The Still

    Paid Disrespects
    Discovery, Exploration

    Myska's Menagerie return to the Timberbank to bring Mr. Tengral to greater aid to find the horror enhanced.

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    15 The Still

    1 The Thaw

    Flying Short Staffed with Troubling Entertainment

    Myska's Menagerie fly to Mount Fohkala still hoping to outpace Scizzord.

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    2 The Thaw

    Tempering Flames
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Myska's Menagerie delve into Mount Fohkala. The god of the volcano makes its presence known and a cluster of Temperence Shards are put on the line. Myska's light shines upon the fate of the Menagerie.

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    3 The Thaw

    8 The Thaw

    Fore-Flight and Hindsight
    Discovery, Exploration

    As the Menagerie continue their voyage onward, they Scry upon Scizzord. They witness the tortle following in their footsteps and the ramifications of that.

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    5 The Thaw

    Razing of Fort Guillon
    Disaster / Destruction

    Fort Guillon was burnt to the ground by Hrthlnax, the Molten Tide.  This red dragon attack marks the first dragon siting over a major urban city in over in over 1000 years.  Dragons are few and far between.  The Molten Tide had never been seen before and attacked out of the blue with a furry.

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    8 The Thaw

    9 The Thaw

    Big City Sources
    Political event

    Myska's Menagerie do some research at the Hall of Memory, get some jobs to do on the road, speak with the press, and meet Astrid's father.

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    10 The Thaw

    16 The Thaw

    Flying Out and Dropping In

    Myska's Menagerie make their flight from New Derth to Fowler's Mill and run afowl of roadkill along the way.

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    16 The Thaw

    Fowled Mill
    Discovery, Exploration

    Myska's Menagerie get their first traces of activity from the Scales of Justice.

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    17 The Thaw

    More Valuable than Silver
    Discovery, Exploration

    Myska's Menagerie root around an olding ghost town to see what they can find.

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    18 The Thaw

    Taking the M's Out of Tombmesa
    Discovery, Exploration

    Myska's Menagerie get to Tombmesa and find more than they were expecting.

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    18 The Thaw 22:00

    20 The Thaw

    Unbalanced Negotiations
    Diplomatic action

    Myska's Menagerie find their way through an antagonistic conversation with someone whose idealogy is... right... if too radical... wait, what?  No.  They're supposed to be the bad guys.

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    20 The Thaw

    21 The Thaw

    Bluster in Billowbluff
    Political event

    Myska's Menagerie begin to establish relationships in Billowbluff to work towards their deeper goals. Some of the relationships are stellar... others aren't.

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    21 The Thaw

    BB Day Trip: Spelunking

    Myska's Menagerie travel out into the mesa wilderness to attempt to locate another faction that may be in the area.

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    22 The Thaw

    BB Day Trip: Sight Seeing
    Diplomatic action

    Myska's Menagerie can't catch a break.  After their rocky start in Billowbluff, a pair of kidnappings and a hostage letter point to the party being the reason for the trouble as they came to town.

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    22 The Thaw

    23 The Thaw

    BB Night Out: Reunions
    Life, Relationship change

    Myska's Menagerie negotiate  for the release of the Billowbluff hostages while navigating thicker threads.

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    23 The Thaw

    BB Day Trip: Peer Pressure
    Military: Battle

    Myska's Menagerie's tightrope walk balancing the line between factions is ripped out from under them as decisive action is forced.

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    24 The Thaw

    26 The Thaw

    Finishing the Process
    Civil action

    Myska's Menagerie are freed to finish the task that physically brought them to Heartsieve in the first place as well as make their preparations to finish their deeper goal here as well.

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    27 The Thaw

    Heartsieved: Trecherous Tunnels, Vital Vehemence, and Wild Wardens
    Discovery, Exploration

    Myska's Menagerie plunge into the caves beneath the Shrieking Flats to find a Temperance Shard cluster long ago placed their to vitalize the wilds.

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    11 Blossoms

    17 Blossoms

    Next Legend: Gathering Heroes
    Gathering / Conference

    A host of adventurers have found themselves in the remote, wilderness village of Glen Hollow. Some of them come seeking things as simple as gold or glory. Others follow greater ideals of trying to find self or purpose in helping others. Still, some come looking not to aid but to expand their chosen influences, seeking pieces to greater puzzles. Whatever purposes bring them here, all have found themselves gathered in service to people desperate for aid.

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    17 Blossoms

    19 Blossoms

    More than Barghained For
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The newly gathered adventurers begin their investigations into a ravenous horde in the wilderness around Glen Hollow.  They discover that the gibberlings are meerly the labor force for a greater threat.  Digging out a the geodic prisms linked to the Treaty of Prisms, the hobgoblin Eoraut beseeched the the archfey Bodrenia to alter the status quo.  When opposed by the heroes, she showed her true form as a greater barghest.   The conflict ranged between the Geodic Prism to Glen Hollow and back.  Aided by the guardian spirit of the Badger, the party attempted to stop the Eoraut's ritual before a final confrontation within the icy mountains of Bodrenia's realm in the Feywild.

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    22 Blossoms

    24 Blossoms

    Pack-ing Up

    Our heroes return from Bodrenia's realmed proved to not be immediate. Finding their way back to Glen Hollow, they found it mostly deserted. The only people there were individuals who shouldn't have been there. Within, answering calls and seeing Daniel's Skywriting, the party found the odd assortment of folk who called themselves the Valiant End. They too arrove within Glen Hollow seeking to answer calls for aid but arrived only after the villagers had left and our heroes had done their job. Scrutinizing them, the party eventually chose to trust the men and to pay them to stay at Glen Hollow for another week or so to guard the place until the villagers could be chased down and sent back. The night on the road proved a peaceful one and many conversations were had, bonds slowly forming among the crew.   Continuing on to Tradefork in the next day, the party arrived before nightfall to the praise of the villagers. The reward was less than anticipated due to the costs the villagers had incurred within Tradefork, and the accepted reward was even less then that as the party decided to not bleed the villagers dry. The true reward came in renown. Claiming victory, the party also took the opportunity to dub themselves the Iron Wolves. If they were to be working together for the time being, there would be no shirking the task of gaining renown as fast as possible. Especially because that renown was already proving useful as there was someone in Trade Fork that could use adventurers in place of peasantry for the task they needed.

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    25 Blossoms

    26 Blossoms

    Chimeric Harvest
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Iron Wolves hunt down the venom gland of an aquatic chimera found somewhere along the nearby coast.

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    26 Blossoms

    1 Growing Ember

    Scented Flowers, Sonorous Birdsongs
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Iron Wolves sign a contract to help the herbalist Aldarina acquire one more component upon Agate Cay.  I sleepless storming night by boat led into a harsh harvest of a a deadly flower.  With dangerous supposedly past, the party heard cannon fire from shore.  Rushing back they witnessed their vessel get robbed by pirates.  As the pirates retreated, a signal arrow summon harpies from the rocky shore to lure the ship and passengers to their doom.  The Iron Wolves battle to save their fishermen and voyage from the island ranged from shore to boat to rocking nesting ground.  In they end, the part spent their next night continental within the private homes of the villagers.

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    2 Growing Ember

    5 Growing Ember

    Mingled Pursuits
    Diplomatic action

    The Iron Wolves escort the herbalist Ladore Aldarina back to Phaloxil and meet with his employer the Marquis Bifulco. The Iron Wolves make a deal with the Marquis that will be sending them back to Agate Cay for the retrieval of Daniel's tome and the purging of pirates.

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    6 Growing Ember

    7 Growing Ember

    Maritime Mayhem

    The Iron Wolves experience some maritime mayehm on their return to Agate Cay to the disdain of Captain Pogenath of the Phaloxil navy.

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    7 Growing Ember

    8 Growing Ember

    Fey-Nominal Informant

    The Iron Wolves return to Agate Cay, face a watery foe at a ship wreck, negotiate with a fey, and break through a netted back door.

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    8 Growing Ember

    11 Growing Ember

    Parley of the Century
    Diplomatic action

    The Iron Wolves press in on the pirates of Agate Cay and commit a deed that will send a stone rolling to change their lives.

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    11 Growing Ember

    12 Growing Ember

    Party Preparations

    The Iron Wolves are enlightened to the greater context behind their recent actions and find themselves with only a few days before they are put in the spotlight.

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    13 Growing Ember

    Gala of Bird and Beast
    Diplomatic action

    The Iron Wolves attend a gala where they are courted by many suitors.

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    14 Growing Ember

    On the Tail of a Rotten Smell
    Criminal Activity

    The Iron Wolves pursue leads on the identity of Lyle's evening escapade from the night before.

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    15 Growing Ember

    Deposits and Depositions: Cashing in Credits & Threats
    Civil action

    Gregor attends his depositions and decides what his true view on the case of Phaloxil v. Doga truly is. After the depostion, the Iron Wolves approach Admiral Ava Hall to continue tthe conversation she started at the Gala.

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    16 Growing Ember 7538:00


    Fortnight Mercenaries
    Life, Career

    The Iron Wolves spend two weeks being local heroes while waiting for the trial of Phaloxil v. Doga.

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    1 High Sun

    3 High Sun

    Phaloxil v. Doga, Iron Wolves v. Fame
    Civil action

    World Stage: The trial of Ira Doga commences   Campaign Stage: The Iron Wolves deal with the ramifications of their choices.

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    1 High Sun

    3 High Sun

    Phaloxil v. Doga
    Civil action

    The trial of Captain Ira Doga, the Culture Closer, occurs in Phaloxil.

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    4 High Sun

    4 Radiance

    Sailing Aber and First Post

    The Iron Wolves travel to Zhalvazho and do a small extermination job on the way.

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    4 Radiance

    15 Radiance

    Dawnbringer's Command & Glistenknell's Toll
    Military action

    The Iron Wolves take an escort mission for a diplomat that proves to be the start of something more.

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    15 Radiance

    1 First Harvest

    Mired Intentions
    Military action

    Upon returning to Dawnbringer Command, the Iron Wolves experience one bad revelation after another.  The Iron Wolves accept a Black Ops mission to extract an asset from under the Bunolsid's eyes to aid in the destruction of the syndicate.

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    1 First Harvest

    15 First Harvest

    Sieving Mysteries From the Debris
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Iron Wolves delve into the Cosyen Debris, recover a Sarcophagus, take a prisoner, and break through layers with Captain Pogenath

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    22 First Harvest

    25 First Harvest

    Debriefing and Re-Meeting
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Iron Wolves delve into their sarcophagus, meet a distant relation, and commit to greater deeds for the future of Zhalvazho

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    26 First Harvest

    5 The Turning

    ONG: Labors, Myths, and Revenge

    The Iron Wolves begin their Operation: No Genocide, gather a crew in Yarguel, learn the folklore behind the Shid, and take their first deliberate wound from the Bunolsid.

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    5 The Turning

    11 The Turning

    ONG: Investigating the Northern Islands
    Diplomatic action

    The Iron Wolves learn more of their pursuit at Brackland Hold before making relations with the other side of this quarrel at the Dire Chain.

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    12 The Turning

    15 The Turning

    ONG: Descent Into New Depths

    The Iron Wolves sail into the World Breach, Face it's trials, and enter into the kuo-toa camp home to the Bunolsid.

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    15 The Turning

    16 The Turning

    ONG: Phantom of the Deep
    Military: Battle

    The Iron Wolves dive into the Shid's Shrine to attempt to treat the god for better or worse.

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    17 The Turning

    24 The Turning

    Triumphant Return and Owed Dues
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Iron Wolves return to Dawnbringer Command after the success of Operation: No Genocide.

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    The Still

    Wintering Well and Sailing Still

    The Iron Wolves take the winter off to relax, recuperate, train, and also kind of live up to their word on Building Kritham and his sons a house.

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    1 The Thaw

    Big Boy from Small Beginnings
    Life, Identity

    The Iron Wolves arrive at Galley View to visit Lyle's home and finish something long overdue.

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    2 The Thaw

    3 The Thaw

    Wilde-Life, Currentcies, and Lessons
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Iron Wolves delve into the Bramble Thicket.  Lyle's offhanded hopes of some faerie shenanigans proves to me more than he wished for.  The Iron Wolves make it to the Alderidge Academy to research and purchase power... which also proves more than they wished for...

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    4 The Thaw

    Goodbyes and Supplies

    The Iron Wolves say their goodbyes to Daniel.

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    5 The Thaw

    19 The Thaw

    Port to Port

    The Iron Wolves' sight was set outward. With a goal of Lacington but needing someplace to store their water craft, their course would take them up the Nerm Warren Channel, through the taxation of the Phaloxil Blockade, and into the port of Locath. The journey went well if a bit dreary as rains past through on the season's winds. Presentation to the blockade went simply with minimal charge due to having no commercial cargo.

    For posterity, the SeaWolf left Galley View the morning of the 7th, went through the blockade on the 11th, and arrived in Locath on the 19th

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    19 The Thaw

    20 The Thaw

    Bountiful Friendship

    For the first time, when the Iron Wolves past comes back to haunt them in Locath it at least comes with good tidings.

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    20 The Thaw

    24 The Thaw

    Caravan and Caring Clan

    Heading out to Lacington, the Iron Wolves travel two days west on the Colonial Highway, one day ferrying over the Nerm Warren Channel, and then have a final three days of pleasant travel over open roadway before their C-c-c-combo on peaceful days is broken.

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