Legends & Scorn

Discovery, Exploration


Myska's Menagerie learn more of their quarry and witness the first major fracturing of Altomari's confidence.

We return to our story at the beginning of a new adventure. After waking from their desparately needed recovery, our companions set about the day gaining supplies to answer further questions. The first major event was when Millie magically sent a message to Sicuro to inform him that contact had been made with Sizzord and the situation had gone sour. In response.... Sicuro bloody flipped out, swearing up and down and exiling the party from his presence. He would have an attendant with some supplies if needed but stay the blazes away from him. The intention of the check in seemed to not be taken lightly.
  The Companions would end up receiving a small sum of money, and expensive diamond for whole use or powdering, and some healing potion via a discreet drop off. From there, the companions did some shopping at the Zorstil's Bazaar, Shook's Nook, and the Broken Book. Chupta received a sampling of Incense, Millie procured a high quality assortment to most immediately be used that day. Some scrolls and a book were bought at the Broken Book and the companions picked ups som odds and ends at Shook's Nook. By odds and ends, Astrid teased her flail and Chupta finally purchased the jar of green slime to be placed inside his ring on a shelf.
  After the purchases were done, the early afternoon was spend in a small park as Millie used all of his purchased incense on four massive rituals to learn more what the companions had gotten themselves into. The party Relearned basic information on the Shade Crystal as well as telltale signs of where more shards may be, notable reference of a volcano which matched the lead of Mount Fohkala. They learned of the ancient name Myskathema's connection to a sapphire dragon of the Immreth Mountains. A peer into Scizzord only received the enlightment that he served an entity known as Xanicksaroon and then again peered into that as a great Far Realm entity of corruption. Finally, they learned that the Shade Crystal came into existence when Myskathema and Xanicksaroon met. The Shade Crystal somehow serves as both of their doom and salvation. With information laid before them, the party's sight is set on Mount Fohkala and the hopes that that Scizzord has not yet gone their to retrieve the possible Temperance Shard there.

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