Open Up a Kag

Cultural event


Myska's Menagerie are tentatively welcomed into Dul Kag as their look for answers.

Myska's Menagerie had managed to find the entrace to the old dwarven city of Dul Kag. The party was dropped of from the airship above that lingered in the area waiting to fly to safer idling space. Puncturing the top of the mountain, the huge doors of Skygate guarded the stairs descending within. Identifying the hole in the door for the archaic dwarven chimekey, Astrid and Fozz decided to attempt ringing out their entrance rather than sneaking into the isolated community. With Astrid's elementary knowledge and Fozz's illusory attempts, the menagerie managed to get the attention of the guards within. In time, the party was admitted into the upper halls of Dul Kag for audience with the Anvilguard Commander. Though momentarily stripped of their outer gear and weapons for safety, they would soon have their belongings returned.   The conversation with Commander Drakemace brought many revelations. Myska's Menagerie was indeed speaking to one of the few members of Dul Kag's society that knew of the Temperance Shards by name, but they no longer had it. Long ago when a majority of the citizens of Dul Kag had undergone their Exodus to seek out the growing society of New Derth, they had taken the Temperance Shards with them. When Astrid spoke of progress, it was thrown back at her that all dwarves who yearned for that had long gone to her metropolis of a city. In turn though, when asked why the commander would open the doors and welcome in outsiders from New Derth, the Zin Zareth, and two who had no physical distinctions of dwarvish connection beyond one's tongue, the Commander acquiesced. Dul Kag had no future if they didn't. They had been a world market long ago but that had been started by trading with neighbors. To grow again, they would have to start over as they had originally done: with their neighbors. With the goblinoidss of the valley being enemies of heritage now finding new fates, if the commander could not open gates to the common folk of mixed society, they never would. Myska's Menagerie would be permitted to travel the city. He bade Astrid to learn the true history of the place so that it might spread beyond these walls. The city watch would be at their aid as they traversed the purely dwarven subterranean city.   After finishing their meeting with Commander Drakemace and having their belongings returned to them, the Menagerie was guided by their guard liason through the city. The first stop brought the companions to a diner to get their fill of heritaged cavern dwarf cuisine. After filling up and sharing many rounds (the first for Crush), Myska's Menagerie delved deeper to explore the city's potential. Being led to a merchant more amiable to outsider sales, a small number of enchanted items where examined for possible purchase at a later date. From here the Temple District was explored. Despite the greater general wonder of the Birthwrought's visage, the Spirit's Temper drew Fozz's attention far more. Interactions with one of the priests led to the purchase and giftgiving of multiple flasks of the Spirit's Temper holy water.   The group's final stop back up toward their hotel led them to the Whitchest Tailors. Here, Fozz managed to negotiate the commission of a torso undergarment from his provided silversilk bag material gained within the Pyrewood Mounds. From this appointment the party finally made it to the Panoram Rest where they were to have their first night within the city before what could be a stay of one-to-many weeks. That is, until Crush was taken by another intrusive dream of his brother. This could change everything.

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