Sanctuary and Sanctions

Diplomatic action

15/11 21:00

The Sapphire Oath tries to find a path through the fallout of last nights events and choices.

The sanctuary of the temple was only a brief reprieve and one that cost them in time. A paid peasant found them Jedingo Null and the gnomish bard could then run messages back to the Saffron Palm. They had to figure out the whole situation before things went to far. The longer they were held up, the longer the Condesa had control of the narrative.
  The first major task taken was to try to figure out more about the assailants and the supposition that the Condesa truly had nothing to do with it. Looking at the physical (as opposed to temporarily conjured) bolt taken from the Vizconde's neck, the party recognized the elven helical design. Zith sent his owl to watch the rooftop crossbow to see if anyone returned for it. If so, the owl would follow them back to their destination. With no one coming for it though, the party had Jedingo send someone to get it and take it back to the Saffron Palm for analysis.
  By late morning, the party learned that the crossbow's stock was emblazoned with a purple storm cloud outlined in teal with black lightning bolt. They learned that it was the symbol of the Galeborn, an aggressive religious order of liberators of nature. Essentially ecoterrorists, the group seek to reclaim forts, trade posts, and rural shrines in the name of the natural order. The party shared theories that the Condesa had hired the Galeborn as a cover group but they could not deny the fact that Syvis Shaphyra of Anrand Glad had been outspoken against the skyport. The issue came down to who would actually know this announcement was coming. This issue obscured many conclusions. They would need to know more.
  It was also in the morning that the Sapphire Oath consulted the Vizconde Iarnan on how he wanted to handle the situation. The Vizconde, worried and confused, wanted to be as open as he could. Uncertain of what all happened, wanted to make his statements to the temple under a truth compulsion to ensure his story was trusted. From there, he would then meet any trial against the condesa openly as well with a narrative foundation already set. The companions openly stated that they would move forward however the Vizconde Iarnan thought best. Despite that, they continued to discuss among themselves.
  The morning was filled with how the Sapphire Oath could manipulate public opinion through their own devices or through the Saffron Palm. Even in voicing the ideas, they were careful about how they wanted to do that. Ravel wanted to ask them for help out of friendship but even that brought unease from Marduk. From his point of view, “The Saffron Palm already got us in this situation and if they help get us out of it they may start to think that they own us.”
  In the end, the Sapphire Oath decided that they would be sticking by the Vizonde Iarnan and making their public statements through the Temple of the Mighty Light's verification whether or not they reached out to the guild. The Vizconde welcomed them to join him but by no means expected them to actually do it based on how well they had followed plans in the past.
  While the Vizconde was giving his statement, another knot got twisted into the mess. A priest came by to let the party know that a dwarf had asked for “brother Beatle”. If Beatle wished to make his presence known he could but the temple's sanctuary prevented any such contact if unwanted. Beatle decided to meet with the dwarf to discover that it was the man that he had lost in a game of cards to on his first entrance to the Saffron Palm. Beatle owed him a favor and now was not a good time to have it called in.
  The dwarf made it known that the favor was being called in by the guild itself. While the party had been planning on asking them for help, they were throwing it right back. The Saffron Palm didn't want to help the Sapphire Oath out of their situation. They wanted Beatle to take a fall for the organization. After the attack on both the vizconde and condesa, there were too many eyes on the skyport project. If the court narrative focused on who wanted control of the skyport, any current or future plans for a it would be more guarded and prevent the Saffron Palm's integration.
  With Sapphire Oath possibly under fire with the assault on the condesa, any deflection on their part could hit those around them. Alternatively, if the adventuring party took all of the blame, the personal conflict would remains further isolated from the project. The guild wanted Beatle to spin some web to ensure that everything was seen as a private affair. A host of ideas where leveled. They could mention Beatle's home across the waves and imply without actually stating that this goes back to the continent of Hiskalon and her family business there. They could claim over-zealousness seeing monsters everywhere as up and coming heroes trying to climb the ranks. Beyond Beatle, they could imply it was based on Ravel's time among the peasant-folk or even snag onto the Galeborn thread.
  The important thing was to skirt the truth and take the blame for everything in the court case. The Sapphire Oath's reputation and good works would soften the blow. Beyond that, the Saffron Palm was prepared to get the set up in any affiliated city in which a branch of the Crossroad's Alley existed. The dwarf didn't need an answer from the bard. Their time in court would reflect the answer to be given. Despite that, Beatle loathed the situation he was being pressed into.
  Beatle informed his companions and no one else shared positive views of it either. Despite having reasons to do it, the guild was trying to get the party to admit wrongdoing that they felt they did not deserve. More so, they were jumping to the conclusion that the Skyport history would be the focus which did not seem to be the case. Excessive lying to take more blame with the Truth compulsion would make things worse for them, not better. The Sapphire Oath would defend themselves in court without directly or indirectly calling attention to the Saffron Palm and that would have to be good enough for them.
  After the Vizconde Iarnan had finished making his verified statement to the temple, it opened up the opportunity for the rest to do so as well. Iarnan warned them to take care to address the topic of them bringing the dubious skyport project to him. That was why they had come to him and provided the foundation of his midpoint position between the Sapphire Oath and the Condesa Akoujan. This would be the first hint of why the Saffron Palm was worried about all of this.
  The party took their turns in providing their statements. Zith went first with the most straight forward statement. He jumped pretty quickly to the evening of the attack. He saw bolts flying in, put the fog cloud out to protect as many people as possible and fought his way through the attack. He knew nothing of Beatle's actions during it and felt no ill will towards the Condesa himself.
  Next up was Ravel. She equally jumped to the situation of being an escort for the private meeting and getting attacked. She then expanded up the party's prior friendship with the Vizconde to build up to her doing everything in her power to save his life. She then finished by stressing again the previous relationship there.
  Marduk's account took a more luscious path to the incident. He and his friends had gone to the festival that night to have fun, create excitement for the Vizconde's announcement. He enthusiastically complimented the event and called everyone involved in it's production great. Marduk recounted that they had helped with the announcement and the Condesa's approached to help. He and his companions decided to provide an escort for their journey to a private area. Before leaving, two bolts struck Menna Talo and the Vizconde disabling them.
  The adventurers searched for and found attackers. Marduk's first action was to jump into the carriage to help the Vizconde. Marduk removed the bolt from his neck as Ravel revived him. Marduk then used a potion to stabilize the man who continued to lapse into a critical condition. Around that time a cloud of smoke enveloped the carriage. Marduk did not see what happened. He knew that he had heard the Condesa so he knew she was still alive. After the attack, the party offered to help the Condesa to safety but she was mad and wouldn't go with. The party had to get the Vizconde to the temple. The left her since she was with guards and seemed safe. Marduk made sure to state that it was scary for everyone else but not for Marduk. He could understand why others were afraid but he wasn't. Marduk finished by sharing that he wanted to help finds those responsible. Most importantly, “I want on the record I really really like chili cheese fries.”
  Finally, Beatle was up. He recited the “events as I remember them the night of the attack.” He started with the great time at fair. They as party were excited to help the Vizconde with his event. They supported him boisterously. The night went really well. They won plenty badges during their own frivolities which helped with the announcement later. The condesa was enthusiastic and wanted to supply feedback. Afterward, she asked for a private meeting. The party felt a protector-ship and wanted to escort to meeting place suggested by Condesa.
  The first two things that happened in the attack were perfectly aimed shots at the Vizconde's advisor and also the Vizconde himself. In the first seconds to react, Beatle did not trust the Condesa. He had overheard rumors of her underhanded tactics and had believed the Condesa had hired killers. Beatle took the Condesa out of the carriage so she would not have the protection of the vehicle. He wanted to have her call off the attacks by exposing her to danger. Her guards understandably were upset.
  As the conflict continued, Zith's fog shielded everyone. Beatle stepped out of it to attack one assailant while another companion took care of the other. Beatle was hurt badly though maybe not as much as others. Beatle managed to disarmed and drive off the attacker that he had exposed himself to. He admitted that he was confused at the time and not sure if he made the best actions. He had offered to bring the Condesa to safety but she refused. Given the situation, they had to triage. The Vizconde was rush out of the area to keep them alive. The actions he took were his own based on prejudices that he had.
  After the first round of statements were made, Marduk wanted to add on an apology to anyone who got hurt during the incident. After a group discussion, Beatle took charge to have that come from him to keep himself in the spotlight. Beatle added on that he was willing to pay restitution to the Condesa if they could find some grounds on which to do it. He acknowledged that he put her in a dangerous situation and wanted to make it right. It is important to note that these secondary statements were made independent of any incantations for truth.
  That evening after the the statements had been made, there was notice from the city guard that Sapphire Oath were wanted before the court. The companions decided to stay in the temple overnight to more comfortably pass on to the next day as opposed to staying the night in the jail. They went through their morning rituals. Before they stepped out the temple door, the guard halted them to make sure that they were aware that they would be stripped of their belongings for safety at the Hall of Justice. If they wished, they could instead leave their belongings at the temple which they did.

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