Bulk Life, Folk Life, Skulk Life



The trio of the Sapphire Oath take a week of downtime training, getting to know the commonfolk of the city, and getting into trouble.

Marduk's interest was grabbed by the small coliseum that sat opposite of the Temple of the Mighty Light. Expecting to fight for money, the bugbear made his way there to be both dissappointed and acquiesced to. The coliseum was not a place of violent performance but the city's headquarters for an order known as the Crusader's Court. Despite the institute being private, they were willing to hire Marduk as an outside resource and punching bag for training purposes. The Bugbear spent his week providing a difference of kind to the new recruits training and took a beating in the process. Despite that, he found himself 50 gold richer by the end of the week which was an excellent rate of pay in comparison to base labor wages.
  Ravel spent her time fully experiencing the city. She sat in spiritual reverence within the Mighty Light. She explored the estates and neighborhoods of the steep city, both rich and poor. She ended up spending much more time with the poor, partaking and aiding in their harvest celebration this month before they would be working the harvest close festivals in the next. In doing so, she made a contact among the southern pauper district in a old, badgered halfling named Filibert Goodsong. Should the party need the aid of the commonfolk, Ravel would have someone to go to.
  Beatle's time was spent among the bars, especially the Dapper Lute Tavern where he sought to spread his tales and learn others from the musicians and storytellers of the city. Near the end of these events, one of the other musicians did reach out about some help he needed. A gnomish flautist named Jedingo Null needed some help with a job he had agreed to do that was further out of reach than he thought. The gnome was supposed to “collect” a parcel that had been stashed on the figurehead of a ship that had come into harbor. It was a package the owner hadn't wanted on any ship's log. Jedingo had agreed to gather the package for his employer but had not expected two guards on deck and an archer in the crow's nest. Beatle agreed to help.
  Down at the docks, Jedingo stressed the need for the retreival to go off with no one the wiser. Physical assaults or a deck full of dazed and confused guards would certainly draw attention. Beatle would be the distraction why Jedingo did his job. Beatle first incanted a song that reached high up into the crow's nest to put the archer to sleep. Effective, but noticeable. Some of the city watch approached the two bards in the street making such a noise. Promising to quiet down, the watch let them bee for the moment. The second half of the ordeal would have to be personal. Beatle walked down the pier that had the gangplank to the ship. Gathering the two guards attention, the bard managed to busk for coins to keep their attention long enough for Jedingo to jump onto the the ship's figurehead and gather his package. There was one moment of a cracking sound coming from the figurehead that Beatle covered up by dropping his lute though luckily nothing was damaged.
  Once the bards were away, Beatle pressed the topic on his payment for his help. Jedingo was willing to offer up coinage if needed or he could put Beatle in contact with those of greater influence for future jobs. Beatle choose the contact. The gnome scrawled some notes on a piece of paper before making his leave: “Saffron Palm in the Golden Palace. Pass phrase "The Spice of Life is Spread".

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