Cordial Carnivals and Eviction Gnolltice



The servants of the Shade Crystal make the most of their fast and fervent travel through the Cobblestone Serpant upon Rachit and the conjured carpet. They held a minor Carnival in Pendle, showed up some lazy guards in Grimsby, and drove off a pack of gnolls attempting to establish new territory upon the banks of Loch Amlow.

The servants of the Shade Crystal have final exited wilderness and rural travel and find their feet on solid roads. With the speed of Rachit and the aid of a conjured flying carpet, Chupta's capabilities as a traveller have proven true with the haste of their excursion.   The first day on the Cobblestone Serpent was really finding the party's feet, witnessing the patrols of Phaloxil soldiers maintaining the safety of the road and getting comfortable with the progression of village after village with homesteads and possible hamlets in between. While resting in Dalery, they made plans for a performance at the next larger village. Locales pointed out that Pendle would do well seeing as it is one of the villages large enough in the Serpent to have not only an established shrine but a fully walled temple with itinerant priests that would come and go. While not bringing much fortune, the bedazzling display the next day certainly helped build party cohesion and interplay. By the end, they had a peasant wishing to come with the party to Bactran to seek out his princess, the daught of a traveling merchant. Sadly, the party decided there wasn't room for him given your speed they were traveling on an already stretched thi Rachit and carpet.   The next and last village stop was at the distant Grimsby brought with it transition. Grimsby is one of the villages furthest from the primary Colonial Highway and the soldiers set to patrol the area know it. During the evening's time in the tavern, the guards were found staying in the village far more acclimated to their tastes than patrol work. Fozz was of interest to one that fancied himself the best darter of the area... Fozz easily proved otherwise. While getting drinks, Astrid was informed of possible trouble up ahead if they continued on their course North into the wilds. A pack of gnolls had recently meandered out of the nearby dry hillands and claimed a new territory along Loch Amlow. Local farmers had complaints of stolen and killed livestock but the proprietor of the establishment couldn't favor one side of the claim over the other.   The next morning, the party chose to maintain course rather than diverting around to the east side of Loch Amlow. The party did indeed find a small gnollish crew along the shoreline and spotted two more rowing back to shore in a crudely made canoe. The assault on them was swift and fierce, killing all but two of them, though the two that survived were not in good or even lasting health. One of them was horribly injured by a flail brought down upon its face while the other was chased all about while mind-mired before being commanded to take it's companion back home and to warn the rest that this territory was not safe for them.

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