His Stories

Life, Identity


After Myska's Menagerie regrouped in Dul Kag and caught each other up on the happenstances of their weeks, they prepared for their voyage northward. Astrid just had one last appointment. She met up with the PI Mods to hear what the investigator had to say. Apparently, Torbjörn Sjöberg had been a lead in mining expeditions a handful of decades back. Low stuff, near the cusp of the underdark, During a collapse, he saved 17 people but didn't make it out himself. At least not immediately. Rather, a year and a half later he found his way back up and out, carrying on him his entire pieced together means of survival, everything from shelter to jarred oozes and caged critters for defense of the wilds below. He attempted to get back to life but the celebrity didn't suit him, the questions and prying eyes trying to figure out what his life had been first got him to shift from the mines to the smithies. Then they got him to pack up all his belongings into a mulehut and leave Dul Kag all together to find someplace else to live that didn't know him. Her answers gotten, Astrid was ready to join the journey northward.

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