Tradecraft and Crafted Trades

Financial Event


Myska's Menagerie arrive at Lybonpost to trade and prepare for their next adventure in these tundra lands.  Mundane and magical gear is acquired as Crush rejoins the party.  When the plan seems vaguest, a new lead guides their way.

The remaining trio continued on their voyage to Lybonpost. The walled colonial town that they found was smothered by snow this deep into the winter. Myska's Menegerie found their way inside after brief discourse with men stationed at the gate, having to dig the gate open enough to let the party slide in. The trio found drink and possible lodgings at the Hearty Hearth before continuing on to Nish's wares to acquire heartier clothing for Fozz and the absent crush. Astrid had already changed into the traditional Timberbank clothes they had found in their bag of holding and Chupta was protected by the magic of his frost giant boots. While looking through the wares, Chuptah also bought a set of oversized hunting traps though his needs proved to be beyond Nish's ability. The Halforc was meerly a seller. He would put a local hunter and yeoman in contact with the party though that knew more of trapping.   After Crush caught back up with the party in the late afternoon, the party turned their attention to the one building that was out of place here: the shop of a mage, Oldenloc the Red. The building itself draped on the outside with red velvets to give a garish, appropriated Zarethian look. Within, they met with a dwarf of faired skin and browner hair. Astrid recognized the mage to be of New Derth lineage as a Cavern dwarf with arcane training.   The companions talked with the man, holding out through winter with few active wanderers this time of year. Aside from papers, inks, and scrolls, he only had three wondrous items for sale: A ring that protected from the bitter winds, a cloak made in the form of the elves of Anrand Glad, and a jacinth necklace dazzling with the potential of eight blooming fireballs. It took some shifting of money and bartering of potions from Jibrom's lair and elsewhere, but by the end of the discourse Chupta had acquired enough scribing materials to properly capture the essence of the Scroll of Contact Other Plane and the party owned all three wondrous items.   In the end, the party decided it best to return to their airship for the night.

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