Blightbane torch


In order to increase settlement sanitation and defense, the blighbane torches were invented to provide a not too complicated but efficient way to protect a small case settlement with small medicinal and magical ressources. due to the long-lasting burn of those torches, making them becomes a great long-term and short solution.   Some artificier managed to develop a type of oil bomb version of the blightbane torch, which acts mostly like a more efficient version of napalm for undeath or large scale rotten corpse to reduce risks of diseases.

Social Impact

The Blightbane torch managed to keep the settlement of Uru'Repo protected from stirge's BloodScald fever , but also happened to drive some fauna away as well from the huts, as well as some plant-focused necrotic creature such as mudmen. the natural deterrent and smell of the pepper was driving the natural causes away, but the nautre of this unique pepper, when heated, provoke a gas that makes the flame colored but also burn rotten flesh, which cause mudmen to naturally avoid settlements having those torches.
Access & Availability
Available mostly in jungle regions and other settlements that could have insectoid issues. their use is rather unique and rather uncommon to find.
The process is mostly to use blightbane pepper into a torch's container, along with holy magical oil, the flame, which includes abjuration magic to allow the pepper to slow burn and spread its component efficiently through smoke. a simple burning plate of holy oil could also work, but the torch design makes it also a good source of night light  for wayward travelers to notice settlements.
Discovered 5 years before (time). the invention was developed over the need to create a multi-use protection against stirges but also from the uniqueness plant-based undeath the jungle have in some sections.


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