Gate Key-cube

Mechanics & Inner Workings

the cube , or something of different sides numbers, usually have sigils on their faces, sometimes even made of a cryptic code language the make will invent themselves. Some also have non-regular forms such as triangles extruding of their main small cubes, making the reading of those quite more complex.   Because of the complexity and number of possibilities,  trying to find the solution at first try can be close to impossible. The challenge is also the countermeasure some of the crafters invested into the cube, such as magical traps to kill the wrongdoers, or other more efficient magic such as teleportation of the object back to their attuned location, so the owner can retrieve it on a failed solving or over time if they notice the absence of their cube.   The spellcaster usually also put a word of power which activate the cube and start to enter the pattern needed. This extra measure can be useful especially against creature that could struggle to pronunce the word of power properly. It is not uncommon for a spellcaster to create a memory sliver and hide it among other ones in a way that they will understand the signifiance of the clue, or the word itself, albeit their memory fails.


Some of the first gate key-cubes were found in The temple-city of Yaz , especially used by warlocks, in particular the High Warlock. One of the most complex one were used as a sage-passage 'ticket' to reach the sanctum of the Anomaly Tower , while some other cubes, or less complex pattern, where made for those entering the gauntlet so they could pass the entrance's magical security.


Gate Key-Cubes are usually , as their name says, key to pass through safety protocols that a magician could implement in other tools,objects, or room. the cube could be use as much as a magical chest opener as much as an identification tool for detectors once set in the proper pattern.
Item type
Rare, due to level of craftmanship's and skill needed for spellcasters
Approximately 4 pounds
Approximately 40x40cm


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