Hex-forged Wardens



Usually can be counted with one hand, but most people utilising hex-forged warden usually are satisfied with only one. As for the original craft, they were crafted as a duo. Usually meant as a 'last defense' to protect either a rare object, or an individual, those are usually meant to have more quality than quantity.


    You could consider the warden an equipment by itself as they are construct. most are equipping themselves with few equipment,usually none. But most are characterised by the core they possess to make them activate: an apparatus usually made of some layer of metallic ringsturning on a linear pattern to keep stability. those rings are infused with rune magic to help contain the core of pure arcane flux.Also, a rather regularly implement tool that could be invested in the close-unanimity of those construct are something called spatial chains: made with arcane strands from various planes, those are magical chains that can be manifested or remain incorporeal, by either choice of the crafter, or toggeable by the construct itself. These chains makes them unable to be away from their attuned mark (object or person) by a set amount of distance, in such, teleporting the thing attuned will always have the warden following, making planar hoping a sub-optimal solution, if the place they are at the moment isn't already planar-locked. this also work for running away with the object.The chains can be used by cunning hex-crafted wardens as a tool of combat as well, obstructing their enemies' movement and used for tripping them. however, this can be also used against them, and the corporeal version of those chains can conduit magic, as such, magical user could sabotage the construct that way, if given the opportunity and with fitting magic.


Depending on the crafter, some exskeleton can be geared with different types of limbs to procure varied form of combat damage, such as claws, spring blades, or even complex limbs like mechanical tentacles. they can also be fueled with magic wands to have a form of auxiliary magical power to use with the martial tools.


Responds to a very limited amount of people, such as the attuned person, and the crafter of the arcane flux core, as it is a viable way to reattune a hex-crafted vanguard, or fix/alter it without the needed presence of the attuned person. however, some 'attuned' might get paranoiac and kill the crafter to avoid usurpation or any kind of tricks. The vanguard can also be 'programmed' to not retaliate against individuals holding a source of identification, such as a Gate Key-cubefor the most paranoid, or simpler forms of mage sigil, if deemed necessary by their owner.


Tactics are very varied because of nature of their combat learning: the arcane flux core has the capacity to analyse combat pattern and develop an optimal countermeasure based on their frame . More are detailed in Training section.


Training comes by visual and pattern analysis of combat, which are then replicated and honed through a form of 'machine learning' by developing optimal pattern as a response. as such, a vanguard uses technique reckognition to come out on top of combat. As such, the only counter against them is either a speed of execution so high they cannot choose the appropriate counter, or magical warfare, especially wild magic as they cannot interpret properly expected outcomes from those. As such, the more variety of combat they can learn from by 'sight'seeing, the better they can become.
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Aug 21, 2024 03:08 by Marjorie Ariel

I like that these are apparently constructs instead of biological people, but I had a little trouble picturing them and their work. I think this article would benefit from a couple of instroductory sentences in the vignette to ground readers who are new to your world. Thanks for letting me read!