
Physical Description

Body Features

Morogba has a slug skin pigmentation which goes from a couple shades of grey like most of the geophastamas' ethnicity. She has some small pockmarks around the chest are that have a more coloration than her regular skin, a mix-up of limestone green and copper that blends with the grey. Most of the pockmarks are located around her lower body where most of her locomotion and friction with the ground goes, so only a bit can be seen around her 'belly' area.

Identifying Characteristics

Three main things help differ Morogba from others of her ethnicity.   She wears a spiraled that does not hit the ground, which is covered by her body overall. the texture is having some stripes that are usually darkened with times. having shades of grey and just a hint of translucence. patches of dirt , moss,little translucent mushrooms and some little sprouts of green leaves implies she grows some on her shell.     The other is her crown of leaves she wears as a headdress, that are made from outdoors' long green aloe-looking leaves. She enjoys it more for the smell than the aesthetic (which she cannot enjoy).   She also wears a very ragged piece of smooth cloth around her neck which she drenches to keep moisturised longer. probably the remains of a merchant ship's cloth piece she found or traded.

Apparel & Accessories

She carries usually on her left arm, or on a counter, a lamp containing blue fireflies. this isn't for sight purpose as she is blind, but to carry around those insects that shares an empathic link with her, informing of danger or other overall social interactions through tactile interaction with her hand, which the contact with to send said messages. It helps her gauging situations she cannot see by herself.
Current Status
Research in the vicinity of the (X)'s underlake
Current Location
Current Residence
Cave of Steam
Greyed-out, no pupil color (implying blindness)
4'11'' (body), 5'8'' (shell)


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