Morogba's Seaside Apothecary

"Several cutaneous reaction nearby the brachial area, open cavities on the epiderm and derm, increasing risks of bacterial infectionn if left unchecked for a longer period of time. Encounter with ejectio aranea would be my guess. territorial species. Did well to seek treatment here. Will begin with application of antiseptic in the region of the wound. please remain motionless once comfortable position is reach. may make numbness or mild hallucination, but effect are short-lived."

Purpose / Function

The apothecary functions as two mains purposes: the first one as an oceanic research housing where Morogba , with the help of befriended marine life and other sapients species, can gather various organism and components from the world outside her colony in a faster way than most Carcolians can. In the nature of carcolians, Morogba is open to share studies but is also looking from knowledge unknown of her people, so clients of hers could peek her interest with curios and items that was not available to her colony or with organic elements in different states of conservation.     The place also serves as a clinic as many beneficial concoctions were found thanks to her researches. She usually gives this service to carcolians that experiences sickness or needs some protection on their upcoming long travels.She also offered that service to nearby humanoid natives that still are inhabiting lieux-dits and hamlets on the island in exchange of exotic tools or expertise, and sometimes pro bono especially if the experience would be enlightening by itself. She does not have any 'official' accreditation compared to civilised region's hospital and learn a lot through practice, but usually has enough skills to avoid disastrous operations.


The shell is a one-room design of circular shape, the walls and ceiling being all-natural as the carcolians the shell's integrity intact.


Only one entrance is available, the other opening being a cut part of the shell on top to evacuated fumes created by her alchemical lab.


Contents & Furnishings

The room contains a large and untidy place for Morogba to work on her alchemy and other researches, leaving counters full of varied subject and ressources around. It doesn't seem to bother the owner as she seems to makes sense of her own mess. A large table taken from the ghost ship is also present, which is used by her for clients in needing of medical assistance which are not carcolians. Her 'resting' segment contains also a varied amount of curios she wasn't able to triage, including some ancient object of the Serpentfolk' ancient era. The outside also has an extra 'roof' made to collect rain water and have a easy access of fresh water nearby her.


Aside of varied alchemical components, the apothecary contains a handful of serpentfolk curios from The temple-city of Yaz , which holds high value for spellcasters and archivists.


The building is actually not a 'man-made' housing: It is made of the shell of a dead giant snapping turtle.   The front of the sea shell is covered by a membrane which replaces itself after being pushed open, leaving few air contaminant to enter the place. the inside are covered in slime that stops the structure from aging or inhabit moss and other natural elements that could grow on it. a path of the shell is also visible from afar as since the Carcolians leaves a trail of slime , such slime sanitized and cleared their most common path of any impurities, leaving a clear trail from the apothecary to the beach and also the cave formations.


The Carcolians found the dead carcass of a giant snapping turtle by the west side of the sea shore, which most of it's flesh consumed by scavengers, leaving only the shell and bones. The strategic location of the shell made it a good landmark for carcolians to expand their scouting of the upper land. Morogba agreed to take the place as a field of study for the betterment of her colony and received assistance to sanitize and fill the shell's inside with the necessary furnitures and tools to work and experiment on the west side of the island.   Since decades, she continues to work on her own schedule nearby her apothecary, receiving ressources from her domesticated fauna.
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Jul 21, 2021 05:40

Hi there!   I really like the idea of a research house combined with a clinic. However, there are certain givens in the article that make reading it a bit puzzling without tooltips or linked articles. The main one: what are carcolians!? Are they snail people? Something else?   Cheers!

Jul 22, 2021 14:26 by William Belley

oh sorry about that ! i tought i'd put the linked articles. maybe posted too fast. got the carcolians added. also planning to add some art either end of month or early on the next. thanks for your feedback :)