
Niuthraivos (New Living Voice) is a constructed language derivative of ancient Proto-Elvoz languages and designed by members of the Neo-Occultist movement as a religious register of Eliov. An engineered language, or englang, Niuthraivos was developed to help members of the faith to investigate theological and philosophical concepts in a uniquely Elovisian cultural context. While Niuthraivos' actual level of connection to what the original Proto-Elvoz language might have sounded like is still a matter of dispute among linguists, it can also be regarded as typical Neo-Occultist attempt at driving towards the primitives in language, and, by extension, primitives in human cognition.

Writing System

Niuthrailex, the written form of Niuthraivos, features both an alphabet for sounding out letters and a library of around 200 ideograms for expressing certain 'elemental' concepts with maximum brevity. These ideograms each encode a complete word, but may also be read as their first vowel or consonant sound in certain contexts. Neo-Occultist texts tend to be rather dense in both thematic and spatial senses of the term, and having an alternative symbology facilitates this density.   Niuthrailex ideograms are often found blended together to create magical sigils as one might find on a linking diagram, where the concepts expressed have some connection to the overall intent of the sigil. The actual execution of these compound symbols is equal parts personal aesthetic tastes, ritual synergy and syzygy, and meaningfulness within the context of the surrounding text.


Niuthraivos borrows heavily from both modern Elovisian and historical texts from pre-Conquest Blue Silk River cultures. Archaeological evidence is hard to come by so far from the cradle of humanity, as the Voxelian descendants of the victorious tribes now occupy the land and are at war with the nations where most Neo-Occultists now reside, but a combination of smuggling, espionage, and open source research conducted under the auspices of the Manifold Conservation Society have aided in the construction in the language despite these hurdles.

Root Languages
Spoken by

Cover image: by BCGR_Wurth

This language has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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