Qest Ausomi

Grandmaster Qest Kastus Ausomi (a.k.a. The Wizard of Kalqa)

Qest Ausomi is a Grandmaster of Triortan and, in fact, the current and long-standing highest ranked living player per official Manifold Triortan League standings. A gentleman of wry wit and even sharper sagacity with regards to games of strategy, Mr. Ausomi is has been known at times as the "Wizard of Kalqa" and the "Titan on the Hexagon" for his talents.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Qest was born to a High Rostran family of wealthy means on the island of Kalqa in the Rostran Archipelago Confederacy. He took to schooling well and, though his parents initially considered that he was destined for a career in mathematics, pursued education as a historian with dreams of a position at the Exivaun Museum of Rostran History.   This dream was deferred, however, when word of his exceptional talent at the game of Triortian reached the ears of talent scouts from the Manifold Triortan League. Throughout his teens and early twenties, Qest participated in amateur Triortan tournaments as was tradition for the citizens of Kalqa, the island being the birthplace of the game and the place where the House of Games was located. Not only did Qest demonstrate a precocious talent for the game, but the scouts also recognized the potential that a young man so immersed in the history surrounding the sport would have in helping to promulgate the knowledge and culture of Triortan throughout the world.   For his part, Qest was thrilled to recieve support from League trainers and immersed himself in the House of Games' archives, pouring over records of games stretching back to the League's founding in search of better strategies. His rise through the ranks of professional Triortan was inexorable, if not meteoric, and he found himself atop the official rankings by the time of his 32nd birthday.


Aside from sponsorships and prize winnings, Qest Ausomi recieves a stipend from the Manifold Triortan League in exchange for his services as a coach and a brand ambassador for the game of Triortan - roles the now middle-aged Grandmaster is more than happy to fulfill. Grandmaster Ausomi likes to frame his games in a historical context whenever he talks to the media or gives lectures at educational institutions, turning his prior education as a historian to good use.

Intellectual Characteristics

Grandmaster Ausomi has a calm, patient demeanor that belies a quick wit and incredible faculties of memory. At the table, Qest comes across as though he's patiently explaining something to a student - a trait that sometimes comes across as condescenscion to those who don't know him, but which actually stems from a genuine desire to see fellow players improve. It is also the case that Qest explains himself thusly because, in truth, he's so advanced that most players wouldn't understand where he's going with a strategy unless he actually laid out his reasoning.

Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
9955 45 Years old
Mahogany, white-streaked
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Tan
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Qest is a fleunt speaker of Iuxat and Ba'a as a matter of heritage, but he also speaks passable Valespeak as a matter of his historical education. He can muddle along in Guild Pidgin with liberal use of a Guild-Iuxat dictionary. As Guild Pidgin is designed to be an accessible and thoroughly systematic language amenable to this sort of 'brute force' interpretation, he doesn't consider the language part of his personal repertroir, but he is trying to learn it in furtherance of his role as a representative for the game.

Cover image: by BCGR_Wurth & Erwan Hesrey


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