Snow Foxglove Character in Manifold Sky | World Anvil

Snow Foxglove

Snow Celeste Foxglove

Snow Foxglove is the younger sister of the influential Angela Foxglove. Functionally parapalegic as a result of progressive, congenital symbiotic rheumatism, Snow is nevertheless the more accomplished artist and scholar of the two siblings.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Snow is wheelchair-bound as a result of the extent of her symbiotic rheumatism. Because of her condition, Snow is slighter and smaller of stature than her sister, though her are thicker as a result of being expanded from the inside by the overgrowth of her symbiote during her adolescence. For her part, Snow moves with deliberation to reduce the chance of a painful flare-up, though this has not prevented her from working with watercolors or working the valves of a xylem horn.

Identifying Characteristics

Because Caudal lichens are visible as hair and body coverings for Verdials and her lichen grows at an accelerated rate as a result of her condition, Snow recieves haircuts much more frequently than other Vale Verdial women do. Ironically, though few would be prepared to endure the pain accompanying her condition, her constant freshly-trimmed look puts Snow 'ahead of the curve' in terms of style. When she is working in her greenhouse, dressed in a freshly-pressed white lab coat and done up in one of her sharp-angled hairstyles, she embodies the Vale Verdial conception of what a woman of the future would look like.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Snow was born in 9978 AR. For the first decade of her life, she developed normally, though she demonstrated a keen intellect from a young age and, in fact, learned to read before Angela did. Around age 11, Snow's school teachers noticed that she had developed a limp and was complaining more about joint pain than usual for a child going through normal growth. Her parents had her assessed by doctors, whereupon it discovered that Snow's Caudal Lichen symbiote had a congenital mutation that caused it to to infiltrate her connective tissues at a rate faster than her body could handle - in fact, there was a real danger that its rapid expansion could cause organ damage and, potentially, even death. A course of Lykrex infusions prevented the most dangerous effects, but the damage to Snow's nerves and her knee and hip joints was irreparable at that time, leaving her wheelchair bound.   Despite - or perhaps because of - her loss of mobility, Snow gave renewed focus to her studies, graduating from Petalcap Vale University in 9999 AR with a degree in botany alongside her sister despite being two years her junior. Reading, painting, and playing the xylem horn help to distract her from the constant low-level pain of her condition. Still, Snow has never regained the ability to walk and, as connective tissue damage from her younger days has accumulated, she finds it increasingly difficult to leave her quarters in the family estate at Gladeside unattended.


Snow Foxglove

Sister (Important)

Towards Angela Foxglove



Angela Foxglove

Sister (Important)

Towards Snow Foxglove




Angela and Snow have always gotten along well. As the older sibling, Angela has seen to it that Snow is taken care of in all circumstances. Indeed, attending to matters stemming from Snow's physical disability was formative to Angela's patient, empathetic demeanor.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Beyond a continuation of their parent's work, Angela funds and personally pursues new research into the biology of Caudal lichens, in part, because she wants to create a treatment that will allow her younger sister to walk and cure the constant pain associated with her advanced symbiotic rheumatism. Both sisters are students of botany, though Snow is the more intellectually gifted of the two siblings. While Snow respects Angela for her social ease and accomplishments as a businesswoman, Angela respects Snow for her intellect and artistic talents.

Future Events

  Snow Foxglove is nearly killed during the Pale Hands Crisis, being hard-pressed to escape from the extra-dimensional reach of the White-Haired Gentleman due to physiological difficulties. Nevertheless, she does manage to reach the upper stories of the Foxglove estate in time for Angela, Feumont, and the crew of Parasol Private Holdings to defeat The Garbage Man and appeal to the White-Haired Gentleman to stop his attack on the Manifold Sky. Snow's continued residence at Gladeside is part of why, despite everything she has been through, Angela and Feumont decide to settle in Petalcap Vale after their marriage despite the better opportunities available in Silkenvault.
Neutral Good
Year of Birth
9978 22 Years old
Angela Foxglove (Sister)
Current Residence
Pale green foliage, regularly trimmed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
80% white
120 lbs

Cover image: by BCGR_Wurth


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