Ability Stone Item in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Ability Stone

A Small Stone cut into a Angular Shape enchanted for 2 weeks using a 3rd Level spell slot per day.   You gain a +1 bonus to ability checks associated with the stone as listed below while the stone is socketed into an item you are wearing or wielding and are attuned to.
Stone: Skill
  • Alexandrite: Perfomance
  • Amethyst: Arcana
  • Banded Agate: Perception
  • Aquamarine: Medicine
  • Carnelian: Investigation
  • Citrine: History
  • Garnet: Survival
  • Jade: Nature
  • Moonstone: Animal Handling
  • Malachite: Athletics
  • Jasper: Persuasion
  • Obsidian: Intimidation
  • Onyx: Stealth
  • Opal: Insight
  • Peridot: Initiative
  • Spinel: Sleight of Hand
  • Topaz: Religion
  • Tourmaline: Acrobatics
  • Zircon: Deception
  • Item type


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