Stones Material in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Stones are small pieces of mineral crystal or similar hard substance prized for their appearance and rarity.


Stones have a wide variety of physical traits, including size, hardness, color, and translucency. Some have streaks or patterns running through them, while others are pure. Over one hundred varieties of stones have been identified and named.   As minerals, stones are generally resistant to fire, although lightning is known to destroy them.


Even the smallest least valuable stones are worth around 10 Gold Pieces. The most priceless of Jewels are worth thousands gold pieces, although these are exceedingly rare, and most adventurers will go their entire career without ever finding one.   Stones are traditionally divided into six categories which determine their value:
  • Ornamental Stones, such as Malachite and Lapis Lazuli, worth between 10 and 250 Gold Pieces
  • Semi-precious Stones, such as Onyx or Moonstones, worth between 25 and 500 GP
  • Fancy Stones, such as Amethysts and Garnets, worth between 50 and 750 GP
  • Precious Fancy Stones, such as Aquamarines and Topaz worth between 75 and GP
  • Gems, such as Blue Sapphires and Emeralds, worth between 100 and 2,500 GP
  • Jewels, such as Rubies and Diamonds, worth between 250 and 5,000 GP, or more.
  • Stones are also priced based on weight. Stones are weighed in carats, with Very Small Stones, weighing only one or two carats, Small Stones, weighing up to 10 carats, Average Stones, weighing up to 50 carats, Large Stones, weighing up to 100 carats, Very Large Stones, weighing up to 250 carats, and Huge Stones, with an exceedingly rare few weighing as much as a thousand carats.   Stones are typically cut into polyhedral shapes. An uncut rough stone is worth considerably less than one finished by a professional Jeweler. Having a stone professionally cut doubles, triples, or quadruples its value.

    List of Stones

  • Ornamental Stones
  • Azurite
  • Banded Agate
  • Blue Agate
  • Cat’s Eye
  • Fire Agate
  • Hematite
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Malachite
  • Moss Agate
  • Obsidian
  • Rhodochrosite
  • Turquoise
  • Semi-Precious Stones
  • Bloodstone
  • Carnelian
  • Chalcedony
  • Citrine
  • Jasper
  • Moonstone
  • Onyx
  • Quartz
  • Rose Quartz
  • Sardonyx
  • Zircon
  • Fancy Stones
  • Amber
  • Amethyst
  • Beryl
  • Coral
  • Garnet
  • Jade
  • Jet
  • Pearl
  • Spinel
  • Tourmaline
  • Precious Fancy Stones
  • Alexandrite
  • Aquamarine
  • Black Pearl
  • Blue Spinel
  • Peridot
  • Topaz
  • Gem Stones
  • Black Opal
  • Blue Sapphire
  • Emerald
  • Fire Opal
  • Opal
  • Star Ruby
  • Star Sapphire
  • Yellow Sapphire
  • Jewels
  • Black Sapphire
  • Diamond
  • Jacinth
  • Ruby
  • Uses

    Appraising the value of a stone often requires a level of skill, so unlike coinage they are not widely used as basic currency.   Jewelry, art objects and magic items are often inlaid with stones.   Many stones are reputed to have innate magical properties. While it is merely a superstitious folk belief that simply possessing a stone grants any magical benefit, there is some truth to it, as stones are often used in the production of expensive potions and inks used in scrolls, as well as vital components of various spells.   Many stones also have religious significance to the followers of certain deities.

    Cutting a Gem

    A gem needs to be cut into a very precise form to allow arcane imbibement. Cutting the gem requires the use of Jeweler’s Tools. If you have proficiency with Lapidary and a set of Jeweler's Tools you can add your proficiency bonus to the check. Failing the DC to cut the gem fractures it, making it unusable to imbue with magic and socket, but still valuable to sell.

    Imbuing a Cut Stone

    A properly cut stone can be imbued with power by casting powerful magic on it for a length of time dependant on the stone snd how it is cut. The caster must spend a spell slot of the appropriate level each day for the duration as listed in the table below. If the caster misses a day during this process, then the total duration is increased by one day.

    Stone Items

    Weapons, armor, and rings capable of housing arcane stones can only be crafted by master artisan arts or working with a powerful arcane caster.   Equipment made to house arcane stones must possess equally precise indentations, requiring specialized tools and expertise in manipulating magical energy. A magical item cannot be made socketable.  

    Stone Ring

    Ring, rare (requires attunement)   You can increase the magical properties of this ring by adding an imbued arcane gem into a single arcane socket atop the ring.

    Stone Armor

    Armor (varies), rarity varies (requires attunement)   You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. You can increase the magical properties of this armor by adding imbued arcane gems into arcane sockets etched into the armor. The number of filled arcane slots determines the rarity of the armor, as listed in the table below.

    Stone Shield

    Shield, rarity varies (requires attunement)   You have a +1 bonus to AC while wielding this shield. You can increase the magical properties of this shield by adding imbued arcane stones into arcane sockets etched into the shield. The number of arcane slots determines the rarity of the shield, as listed in the table below.

    Stone Gauntlet

    Gauntlet, rarity varies (requires attunement)   While wearing this gauntlet your unarmed strikes made using the gauntlet have a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damages rolls. You can increase the magical properties of this gauntlet by adding imbued arcane stones into arcane sockets etched into the gauntlet. The number of filled arcane slots determines the rarity of the gauntelt, as listed in the table below.

    Stone Weapon

    Weapon (varies), rarity varies (requires attunement)   You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. You can increase the magical properties of this weapon by adding imbued arcane stones into arcane sockets etched into the weapon. The number of filled arcane slots determins the rarity of the weapon, as listed in the table below.

    Arcane Stones

    Ability Stone

    Main Article: Ability Stone   A Small Stone cut into a Angular Shape enchanted for 2 weeks using a 3rd Level spell slot per day.   You gain a +1 bonus to ability checks associated with the stone as listed below while the stone is socketed into an item you are wearing or wielding and are attuned to.
    Stone: Skill
  • Alexandrite: Perfomance
  • Amethyst: Arcana
  • Banded Agate: Perception
  • Aquamarine: Medicine
  • Carnelian: Investigation
  • Citrine: History
  • Garnet: Survival
  • Jade: Nature
  • Moonstone: Animal Handling
  • Malachite: Athletics
  • Jasper: Persuasion
  • Obsidian: Intimidation
  • Onyx: Stealth
  • Opal: Insight
  • Peridot: Initiative
  • Spinel: Sleight of Hand
  • Topaz: Religion
  • Tourmaline: Acrobatics
  • Zircon: Deception
  • Energy Stone

    An Average Stone cut into an Angular Shape enchanted for 4 weeks using a 6th Level spell slot per day.   An item socketed with the gems listed in the table below gain the following benefits:   Armor or Shield. While you are wearing armor or wielding a shield with a gem socketed into it, you gain resistance to the damage type associated with the gem.   Weapon. While you are wielding a weapon with a gem socketed into it, your attacks made using the weapon gain a bonus 1d6 damage of the type associated with the gem.   Ring or Gauntlet. While you are wearing a ring or gauntlet with a gem socketed into it, your unarmed strikes gain a bonus 1d6 damage of the type associated with the stone.
    Stone: Damage Type
  • Amber: Lightning
  • Black Sapphire: Necrotic
  • Diamond: Radiant
  • Emerald: Acid
  • Opal: Psychic
  • Quartz: Thunder
  • Ruby: Fire
  • Peridot: Poison
  • Blue Sapphire: Cold
  • Wrathful Stone

    An Average Ruby Cut into an Angular Shape enchanted for 6 weeks using a 9th Level spell slot per day.   An item socketed with these stones gain the following benefits:   Armor or Shield. While you are wearing armor or wielding a shield with this stone socketed into it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.   Weapon. While you are wielding a weapon with this gem socketed into it, your attacks made using the weapon increase your margin for a critical hit by 1.   Ring or Gauntlet. While you are wearing a ring or gauntlet with this stone socketed into it, your unarmed strikes increase your margin for a critical hit by 1.   An item can only support one Wrathful Stone socketed into it at a time.

    Vicious Stone

    An Average Jacinth Cut into an Intricate Shape enchanted for 6 weeks using a 9th Level spell slot per day.   When you force a creature to make a saving throw while wearing or wielding an item with this jacinth socketed into it, the DC of the saving throw increases by 1. An item can only support one Vicious Stone socketed into it at a time.

    Protection Stone

    An Large Diamond Cut into an Intricate Shape enchanted for 6 weeks using a 9th Level spell slot per day.   You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while wearing or wielding an item with this diamond socketed into it. An item can only support one Protection Stone socketed into it at a time.


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