Battle of Dovrefjell Forest Military Conflict in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Battle of Dovrefjell Forest

Taking place near the end of the reign of Jarl Haskell, the expedition into Dovrefjell Forest was an act of hubris on behalf of a Jarl who thought his forces invincible.   Dovrefjell Forest is considered perhaps the greatest defeat in Buskagar's history and its shame ultimately lead to the over-throw of Jarl Haskell, who was killed in a holmganga by the 20-year-old Asger Jorikson, who's father was killed in the adventure.   Since the defeat, the Astari of Buskagar and the Wood Elves of Dovrefjell forest have maintained a watchful peace, with neither seeking to infringe of the athority of the other.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type


Men of Buskagar

Led by

Elves of Galanodel

Led by


200 men
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185 Killed or missing, 15 injured
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attack the Galanodel Clan, challenging their dominion over Dovrefjell


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