Buskagar Settlement in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Buskagar is a township that has been ruled by Jarl Asger Jorikson for 30 years after he killed Jarl Haskell in single combat.  


Buskagar is built on the northern bank of the Nærøyfjord, between the mouths of the river Begna to its east and the river Vefsna to its west.



Einarr's Rule

16 Years
Einarr Hairfoot was the founder of Buskagar. He ruled for 16 Years and did so with the title of Earl. He established the Collection of longhouses and tents on the northern bank of the Nærøyfjord that would eventually become known as Buskagar.  

Olafur's Rule

13 Years
Remembered as Olafur the Cruel, he killed Einarr and took his Earldom. He was known to plunder much of the Rogafjordlands and even beyond. He died in battle.

Froh's Rule

22 Years
He Oversaw the establishment of the village of Bram.

Siward's Rule

40 Years
He began the building of Buskagar's wall.

Haskell's Rule

15 Years
The Battle of Dovrefjell Forest
Article: Battle of Dovrefjell Forest
Asger and Haskell
Article: Asger and Haskell

Asger's Rule

30 Years to Present
Asmund and the Drake
Main Article: Asmund and the Drake

The Battle of Hjörungavágr

Article: Battle of Hjörungavágr

Wedding of Ulfjolt and Haleth

Notable Inhabitants


  • 40% of the townwhip's citizens consider themselves Devotees of Buskagar’s Sect of the Cult of Óðinn
  • 25% of the townwhip's citizens consider themselves Devotees of Buskagar’s Sect of the Cult of Thór
  • 20% of the townwhip's citizens consider themselves Devotees of Buskagar’s Sect of the Cult of Ægir
  • 15% of the townwhip's citizens consider themselves Devotees of Buskagar’s Sect of the Cult of Freyja
  • Maps

    • Buskagar

    Articles under Buskagar


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