Cult of Óðinn Organization in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Cult of Óðinn

Bearing the name of the Allfather, this cult is notable for having more members than all of the other cults combined. Anyone can be a devotee of Óðinn if they are not afraid to die by the sword and its members range from the lowliest thralls to the mightiest kings, from blood-crazed Berserkers to the most studious Runemasters; all revere Óðinn.   To be a follower of the Allfather is to renounce all fear of death and of dying. Followers of Óðinn value power and responsibility above all because they know Óđinn sees all. Within the cult, breaking an oath sworn is the greatest offence, especially one that has been sworn on Óðinn's spear, Gungnir. Those found to be oathbreakers are typically tortured and left hanging upside down from the branches of a great ash tree as a sacrifice by the cult. Members if the cult, especially Gothi and Runemasters are known to also sacrifice one of their eyes to acquire knowledge and to emulate the Allfather.   Though a gifted Gothi or even a great warrior might occasionally rise to the level of High Priest within the Cult, this position is usually reserved for its most gifted and eldest Runekeeper. Mastering the use of runes and punishing their misuse is the Cult's primary objective.   The libraries under the cult's control are vast and its army of acolytes work tirelessly to expand their total amount of tomes and tighten their grip on the monopoly on book copying. Indeed, its through the control of knowledge that the cult expresses its influence. Almost every cult is dependent on the Cult of Óđinn to supply them with the books they need in order to exist at all and (with some exception) the cults only persist because the Cult of Óđinn allows them to.   Some cults chafe under the Cult of Óđinn's dominion, others accept the influence of the followers of the Allfather as a part of the natural order of things. The will and wisdom of the Allfather keeps the beasts who seek to unleash Ragnarök at bay and as such, they are the chief targets of the Cult of Loki.
Religious, Cult
Subsidiary Organizations


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