Dvergmêr Language in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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The Dvergr language is called Dvergmêr. It is an ancient language that has remained unchanged over many thousands of years both in its spoken and written runic form. Dvergmêr is kept a secret language and is rarely spoken in the company of other races, except for their feared and infamous battle cries an equally famous insults.   Dvergmêr has absorbed only a few words from Elven and human languages, very few of which are obviously of Elven or Human origin. By contrast, there are many loan words from Dvergmêr in the Astari language, which suggests that the Dvergr must have taught some fundamental words to their taller neighbors. This is most obviously the case with words to do with traditional Dvergr craft skills of smithing and masonry, skills which Dvergr taught Men many centuries ago.   Dvergmêr well reflects the nature of the Dvergr. There are a relatively large amount of words for things such as different kinds of rock, underground tunnels and precious metals. It is said there are over a hundred words for "gold" in Dvergmêr, each subtly different and describing its lustre, colour, purity and hardness. On the other hand, there are few words for abstract concepts. Words for physical things are also used for concepts which the Dvergr perceive as related. An example is the Dvergmêr word for mountain, which is also used to denote concepts such as unyielding, enduring and permanence.   The sound of Dvergmêr is guttural. Dvergr have deep, resonant voices and a tendency to speak more loudly than is strictly necessary. Dvergmêr vowel sounds, in particular, are uncompromisingly precise and heavily accented. Consonants are often spat aggressively or gargled at the back of the throat. Contrary to Men, whose dialect differs widely depending on geographic location, the Dvergr remain fairly consistent in dialect across the Realm, although there are exceptions.


67 Words.
Common Female Names
Ai, Bendr, Diesa, Dís, Durri, Duma, Forgi, Glori, Gominn, Gunnloda, Iðunn, Konnin, Mokku, Pemm, Rugga, Sokki, Tilwa, Torgga, Uminn, Ylda
Common Male Names
Adrik, Alberich, Bærn, Brokkr, Dain, Dori, Dudri, Durin, Durlin, Egil, Eitri, Fargrim, Gamdu, Gangr, Gloni, Hemer, Ivaldi, Idi, Kathra, Kilgar, Kori, Kuldi, Maggin, Murdaeg, Nidrr, Ori, Orsik, Sindri, Thorin, Tingi, Torvok, Ufgar, Wandr


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