High Priest Rank/Title in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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High Priest

The highest ranking member of a sect of an Astari cult. The high priest of one sect will almost always show respect towards a fellow high priest of the same cult, even if one or both parties have personal animosity or if both come from opposing forces. As such, high priests are often called upon to act as diplomates on behalf of their rulers.

Known High Priests

  • Asger Jorikson- High Priest of Buskagar’s Sect of the Cult of Ægir
  • Thurmond Torbjörnson- High Priest of Buskagar’s Sect of the Cult of Thór
  • Colborn Fritjolfson- High Priest of Buskagar’s Sect of the Cult of Óðinn
  • Ingvar Ivarson- High Priest of Ålesund’s Sect of the Cult of Tyr
  • Former High Priests

  • Katla Atlidotr- Former High Priestess of Buskagar’s Sect of the Cult of Freyja
  • Type
    Religious, Clerical


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