Mountain Dvergr Clans in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Mountain Dvergr Clans

Clan Structure

  • The Uzbad is the leader within a clan and has the final say on all matters within their Hold, only superseded by the will of the Uzbad of the Longbeards. He or she is voted into office by the Council of Zabad and is usually chosen from one of the Zabad.
  • The Zabad are the leaders of family groups within the clan. Each Zabad oversees a different area of the Clan's opperations; mining, masonry, trade, accounting, crafting and brewing. The amount of Zabad per hold depends on the size of the clan and the size of the Hold.
  • The Dvergbad are the individuals/commoners within the clan.
  • Son or Daughter of Fire and Stone are Dvergr who have voluntarily given up their family and clan names due to honor issues or transgressions from others of their family. There have been known to be small groups of Sons of Fire and Stone that have gotten together and set out on perilous missions.
  • The Beardedless is the term for Dvergr who have been stripped of any clan affiliation and their beard is forcefully removed. Once sentenced, the guilty are given an iron-braided necklace on which hangs the rust-colored iron rune for, "disgraced." It is cursed to be unremovable until the owner's death. Their dishonor is competed by banishment from their Hold.
  • The Seven Clans

    The seven Mountain Dvergr Clans are:
  • The Longbeards
  • The Firebrands
  • The Broadbeams
  • The Ironfists
  • The Stiffbeards
  • The Blacklocks
  • The Stonefoots
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