The Firebrands Organization in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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The Firebrands

Mountain Dvergr Clan   Hot-headed, warlike and tough, Firebrands claim the Amber Mountains to the Eastern side of the Keel, to the north of Gøtland and Finnmark. Supreme metalworkers, they are said to have invented chain mail. They are also hailed as the greatest Blade-smiths among Dvergr, and naturally many of the best came from their ranks, such as: Gamil Zirakson (said to be the greatest since the days of the ancestor smiths, maker of the sword Flœðr, currently in the possession of King Fairhair of Rogaland, as well as the legendary living Dvergr smiths, brothers Telchar and Garmur. They have befriended clans of elves with whom they trade profusely, and have commissioned them to delve and create treasuries and weapons for them. The necklace Nauglamír was their greatest creation, though it would go on to bring great woe.

Khazuk Khân, Dôk, Kârinunkarak! (Ancestors Watch, Guide, Protect)

Geopolitical, Clan
Leader Title
Family Leader
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Gold, Silver, and Copper Coins
Official Languages
Manufactured Items
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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