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The Ore and More

Across from the Einherjarsholl, a large stone building sits atop a small hill. Into the hill are cut stone steps, all the way to the street. At the bottom of the steps and just to the right is a giant stone that reads, “Ore and More.” At the top one sees that the stone building is basically just a giant rock that has had an entrance cut into it and the inside hollowed out. The entrance is an overhang with two doorways. Each has a sign over the entrance, the one on the right says “Ore,” and the one on the left says, “and More.” Walking inside the Ore you can see many beautiful gems, rough hewn rock, ore, and mining equipment. Additionally, in the back of the room there is a place for miners to weigh and have their hauls appraised. The place is decorated with antique mining equipment hanging on the walls, and old lanterns hang from the ceiling providing light. And More, on the other hand, looks much different. There hangs beautiful crystal chandeliers from the ceiling, and the walls are decorated with a lavish dark red fabric. The floors have been done over with a dark stained wood. Row upon row of high seated booths provide private seating on the main floor, while the bar offers a more public experience. The And More is Daufala's  only upscale bar.
  The Ore and More functions as an upscale bar and miner’s exchange. It is a major source of revenue for the Daufalan economy, given the economy’s dependence on mining. Because of its high status, it’s not unusual to find nobles and upscale merchants frequenting the place. Don’t be surprised to see army officers or Drengr there either.
  The Ore is run by Thorgrim Halfdansson. A stocky Dwarf with his hair buzzed short to the head. He sports no beard on his chin, but he does have large, thick sideburns braided down the side of his face. The beard is held together by small gem beads. A jeweler’s scope hangs from his neck as he sits behind the desk in the back of the Ore next to his weighing equipment. One almost never sees him move from there during business hours. Meanwhile, Thorvald Halfdansson runs And More. He has no hair at all on his head, and none on the side of his face. However, he has a long goatee that hangs to his stomach, braided and held together with a gem bead. He is always found wearing his brown cloth bar apron that reads “We don’t want any!” in Dwarvish. It is no secret the two brothers don’t get along, they are constantly heard bickering, but they have run the place together successfully for 25 years.

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