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Fishing ships pull into dock and begin unloading the days catch while a trade ship is just setting off with ore for Jemos. Just past the dock is a large gate, with the portcullis raised so that one can easily see the large, bronze statue of the god Freyr that overlooks the city. Looking the opposite direction, one sees the log walls and thatch roofs that the farmers and miners call home. Past their houses, the flat land gives way to wheat field after wheat field until, finally, the mountains rise into the distance. This is Daufala, the capital of Ginnunga. The Jarl here, Yngvi-Jovi, rules all of Ginnunga. While he handles the foreign affairs and sets laws, the day to day running of Daufala is left mostly to a council of elders. They are people who have gained honor and fame for themselves, acquired a following, and then had the power to rise to leadership.   There are three ways to enter Daufala by land, and one way by sea. The Bauer Gate, located on the west side of the city facing the area around the old city walls, is mostly used by the city's poor and its farmers due to the proximity of their homes. Freys Gate is on the southeast side of the city. Immediately upon entering it, one sees Jarlsheim and the magnificent statue of Freyr in the center of town. This gate is used mostly by caravans and travelers from the Wildlands. To the north of the city lies the Winter Gate. This is the gate that receives most people coming from Verkauf and Jemos. As such, it is exquisitely decorated with carvings of the gods and their heroes performing mighty feats. Furthermore, there are ancient stories that say that when the final war comes for man, the army will storm out of that gate to meet them. The final entrance into the city is the harbor. It is a bustling place filled with trade ships and fishing vessels. If one doesn’t mind the stench, it is a nice way to enter Daufala as it drops you closest to the center of town.   Some things worth seeing in Daufala are the Statue of Freyr and the Truthstone. Situated in front of Jarlsheim, overlooking the harbor, is the statue of Freyr. Cast of bronze and stranding 12ft high, it bears a conical helmet and shows the god standing with his hands clasped. His beard is combed into a point and he wears magnificent armor, however, his scabbard is missing its sword. A large phallus protrudes from his pants signifying the peace and plenty he brings Daufala. The Truthstone is located further down the cliffs that the Kampfergrund is situated on. It has been there for as long as anyone in Daufala can remember, and it has quite the special property. If someone swears something in front of it that is not true, the person drops dead. No one knows how this is the case, but rumor has it the Drengr have something to do with the stone.   Upon entering Daufala one will find no town guard present. Instead, the town folk are expected to defend themselves and their neighbors should something happen. As such, one can expect to see most people carrying weapons. Around Jarlsheim and at the gates of the city one can find the Jarls personal Drengr, a group of hardened warriors who have proved themselves inside the Kampfergrund and sworn their allegiance to the Jarl. Besides the citizens and Drengr, some businesses prefer to hire mercenaries for security.    Those traveling in Daufala should take note of a few things. First, the Drunken Mare is good place to get information, but its also the roughest place in town. From brawls to pickpockets, the place has it all, so, watch your back. Second thing to know is all the artisans are in Jarlsheim. You need jewelry, armor, weapons, a cup, or anything, you go to Jarlsheim. Just don’t let anyone in there see you using coin. Last thing to know is that Daufalan justice is swift and often brutal. Furthermore, the word of a local goes a lot further than the word of an outsider. If you find yourself on the wrong end of the law in Daufala, and can’t get evidence that exonerates you, they will accept trial by combat. It’s saved many-a-man from the four horsemen of Daufala1.   The people of Daufala are hardy and enduring. Most grew up poor and had to work for everything they had. Those few that didn’t either did so on the backs of others, or they fought their way up tooth and nail. The people here know that nothing comes for free. Though they are what some would call savage, they would tell you its efficient and necessary. While it does make for a hard group of people, it also breeds incredible bonds. The people here take relationships of all sort seriously and a rebuke on their loved ones will be a rebuke on them. Honor is not something taken lightly in these parts. The city is made up of mostly Humans and Dwarves. There is a good population of Gnomes and Halfings as well. Elves have become less and less common in the area recently, mostly due to current relations between Ginnunga and Jemos.


1. The Four Horsemen of Daufala is a reference to the city's preferred method of execution, which is Drawing and Quartering. This is accomplished by tying the guilty's limbs to four horses and have them ride off in the cardinal directions.
Daufala City Laws
  1. Any action taken against the community will result in community retaliation.
  2. The shedding of blood at festivals and on holy grounds is forbidden. Those guilty of this will be sacrificed to the god they have offended.
  3. All coin and wine are strictly prohibited. Bartering will be accepted only. Violators will be asked to leave the city the first time, and executed the second.
  4. All killings result in a blood price. If the killing is reported and the blood price paid, it is considered a legal slaying. If it is not reported or the blood price is not paid, the killing is a murder and all citizens have the right to attack the perpetrator on sight.
  5. Thieves are not tolerated, neither are the dishonorable.
  6. All people staying in Daufala are required to offer to the god Yngvi-Freyr at first light every Friday, lest he become angry with Daufala. Failure to do so will result in the person being sacrificed.

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