Exarch Military Formation in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Exarchs are the premier evil hunters of the Pillar of Dawn. Astride their swift Hippogriff mounts they hunt down foes to Sunreach with extreme speed and prejudice. They are well versed in mounted combat and are deadly with a lance. Also at times they carry with them a GDST from the shadows organization capable of dropping from exceedingly high heights and taking out targets of opportunity. Exarchs seek out evil creatures and individuals in Sunreach and destroy them to ensure they don't cause problems for its citizens.



Exarchs are an elite fighting force. The leaders of which are known to have mythic powers capable of doing things others are incapable of doing. Of the elite mythic forces there are 12 who survived the battle with Myzorock. Beneath them are a few dozen who they have trained up, just as deadly but without the powers they gained after the battle with Myzorock. The Exarchs are a fairly small fighting force as the training required to become one and not just any ordinary person can become one.


Exarchs are always seen flying on their bonded hippogriff mounts. The Exarchs also wear the Sunreach signature Lorica Segmentata and carry a heavy steel shield and a longsword. They also wield a lance as they are meant for charging their enemies from the air dealing massive damage. All Exarchs, even the non-mythic ones, are equipped with rings of featherfall in case they are knocked off their mounts at height. The exarchs also carry extra items to assist them such as items to increase their strength and a handful of potions to assist them with a variety of tasks.


Exarchs work alone or in groups depending on the severity of the task at hand. Exarchs are built for quick, devastating, strikes against evil creatures such as devils and demons. They use their swift hippogriff mounts to get in and out dealing massive amounts of damage and leaving before they are struck back. They patrol the countryside on their hippogriffs in search of their targets. They work with seekers to hunt down targets who are more deceptive and are adept at hiding.   They also work with the GDST, or Griffin Drop Shock Troops. The GDST ride on the back of the Exarchs mounts and as they fly over their target drop on the enemy using the force of their fall to cleave the enemy they target. The Exarch will then wheel around and charge any remaining enemies around the GDST and pick them back up to find their next target.


The Exarchs, after being chosen to become one, spend months training with the fellow Exarchs. The training is long and brutal requiring both physically and mentally demanding tasks. The exarchs are put through hell so they are better equipped to combat it. Many who go through the training drop out before completing it leaving only the strongest and most dedicated to join the Exarchs.
Air Force
Overall training Level


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