Adherents of the Dawn Organization in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Adherents of the Dawn

The Adherents of the Dawn is the organization who inhabits the Pillar of Dawn and are responsible for destroying evil creatures and beings that infest Sunreach. Based out of the Pillar of Dawn the Adherents work throughout Sunreach to ensure that evil is incapable of taking root in the borders of Sunreach.   There are several classes of religious worshipers that constitute the Adherents of Dawn and protect Sunreach.   The first and most basic is the Crusader. Paladin and Oracle Hybrids, the heavy crusaders are armored healing tanks that control the battlefield and smite Evil foes. They also carry a bevy of spells specializing in buffing allies and improving resolve.   When basic healing is needed then the Sanctus Meditae is called. Lower level clerics and oracles, the Sanctus Meditae are the rank above Capsarii and are all around better healers. While their individual specialties may differ, all Sanctus Meditae carry a standard loadout of essential healing spells of every level.   The Highest rank of Holy caster in the Sunreach Military, the Vox Deus is a powerful healer, diviner, and summoner, able to call upon powerful outsiders to aid him and his allies in battle. The Vox Deus must complete a year long personal apprenticeship under Father Samuel in order to achieve the office.   Exarchs are the premier evil hunters of the Pillar of Dawn. Astride their swift Hippogriff mounts they hunt down foes to Sunreach with extreme speed and prejudice. They are well versed in mounted combat and are deadly with a lance. Also at times they carry with them a GDST from the shadows organization capable of dropping from exceedingly high heights and taking out targets of opportunity. Exarchs seek out evil creatures and individuals in Sunreach and destroy them to ensure they don't cause problems for its citizens.   Lictors are the bodyguards of Sunreach officials. They are skilled are protecting their charge from damage and when their shield protects the person they are defending that individual is nigh untouchable. Lictos are adept at using their shield to defend those they are ordered to protect and thanks to their paladin training are also able to heal their charge should harm ever manage to come to them. When their shields fail they throw their bodies in front of the attack taking the attack themself.   The rising dawn, the elite foot soldiers of the Adherents of Dawn. The Oriens are the dismounted variant of the Exarch. They are there to hold the ground. They are a more offensive crusader wielding their halberds in honor of the founder of the adherents, Lucius. They are the Pillars foot shock troops and seek out evil in places the Exarchs can't reach. Oriens are skilled both martially and empowered by their god.   The final rank in the Pillar of Dawn are the Seekers. They are inquisitors who have been trained along with black pod to be slayers. Inquisitors are far more discreet and secretive in hunting down targets deemed dangerous by Sunreach as opposed to their mounted paladin counterparts in the exarchs. Seekers use far more discreet and secretive tactics that paladins would never allow themselves to.


At the head of the Adherents of Dawn sits Lucius Macedonicus, the founder of the Pillar of Dawn and the Adherents. Lucius as Sentinel and lord of Sunreach has his attention divided and as such places most of the administrative operations on Father Samuel, a powerful cleric of Sarenrae who runs the day to day operation. Each of the classification of soldiers have their own leader that works underneath Father Samuel to achieve the goals they have been given.
Religious, Divine Host
Alternative Names
The Adherents
Head of Government
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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