Gawain Kronsieg Character in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Gawain Kronsieg

The Eternal Hunter Gawain Kronsieg

Gawain Kronsieg is the Ranger of the group. As such he serves as the go between for the natural world, and the civilized one. Gawain is dedicated to the cause of keeping a balance of both, as one can't survive with the other. No foe to small or too great Gawain is prepared to hunt down and slay anyone who dares threaten those he loves.

Physical Description

Body Features

Gawain has a full tattoo sleeve on his Right Arm, each quarter is done in a different style, as a reward for completing the four temples inside the Charlie Woods

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gawain Kronsieg was born to Lother Kronsieg A King of Craburgh and a female elf, who has since faded from Gawains memory. Gawain was raised alongside Percival and his half-brother Mordred, with Mordred being the one who showed the way of the ranger to Gawain. However after many years living as a noble eventually the call to adventure took hold of a young Gawain. With the help of his father, Percy, Mordred, and Gawains beloved Bedievere they formed the Dragoons. The Dragoons was one happy family, each member forsake their last name and replaced it with Dragoon. The first posting the Dragoons took was an old fortress that served as a hotbed of conflict between Dorwin and the Redlands. There Gawains mother passed away due to a mysterious illness. Gawain blamed his father for not preventing his mothers death. He took the Dragoons to Yampfield to work as a mercenary company there. After Years of combat is when, one of his darkest days occurred. While out on a sortie against an Orc raiding party a truly powerful Half-Orc appeared. During the battle the Half-Orc killed many of Gawains closet friends, and even Gawains love, Bedievere. Gawain took the survivors and retreated, vowing vengeance on the filth that had killed so many friends. After a year of heavy drinking and seething with uncontrollable rage Gawain left Yampfield to travel to the small town of Dayyhill. Here he hoped to find new work for the Dragoons, what he didn't know was that Dayhill would be the birthplace of a new kind of group. Dayhill is where Gawain would eventually help create the group known as the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun. The group at the time consisted of: Gawain Kronsieg, Lucius Macedonicus, Scarloc Wydrioth, and one Jiro Kamji. The group would go through many epic adventures, from fighting an Orc shaman, to killing foul dragon hybrids. During the adventures the group meet one Kurbaag the mighty, who would be a major meeting point for the group. For sparing the group Kurbaag wanted the Sentinels to help watch over his son. The son being the same half-orc who killed Gawains group. It was then when Gawain learned that his memory had been tampered with extensively. Gawain through many trials learned that Bedievere did not die, and through a vision that his half-brother was possible possessed by an evil force. Not all of the adventures was doom and gloom however, Gawain once again,with the help of his new companions learned compassion. In time Gawain even fell in love again, this time with a Dwarf Ranger named Matrena, and after awhile even got engaged. Gawain also learned that there was a curse placed on him, the curse forced others to forget who he is, this includes the Dragoons. Interestingly he new friends seemed to be immune to it, for now. After many great and daring deeds the group was eventually gifted with a keep, this keep was the first land that would eventually go on to become Sunreach. Since Sunreach was formed the kingdom was embroiled with two wars, both of them with a foul sorcerer named Myzarok. Myzarok was also the father of Kurbaag. With the help of Kurbaags son Rul Nok, and with the help of dwarven allies (at the price of Matrena returning to the Dwarven realms, since she was a princess,), as well as Redlanders. Myzarok was eventually Vanquished and condemned to be hunted on Gawains Gods plane, for all of time. Now Sunreach is at peace, but Gawain still has much to do. Balancing between nature and civilization. Who cursed Gawain to be forgotten, and why does his family seem to hold all the answers. Finally when will Gawain be reunited with his beloved, and finally lay down his weapons. Gawain knows that the last one may not happen anytime soon, the prophecy foretold about The Sentinals predicted they would stop the end of days, and Gawain senses that the time of the Final Battle is fast approaching.


Gawain believes in love, in all forms, yes even that one.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Sending Myzaroks soul to his God. Becoming Lord of Sunreach

Mental Trauma

After years of losing those closest to him, Gawain has developed a need to gain power to protect those closest to him. This is usually in the form of praying to Cernunnos and proving his worth to gain additional boons. Gawain however if shoved would likely accept power from anywhere if it meant he could save the lives of those closet to him. Gawain would give anything for the Sentinels, however his bond to Matrena is such that he was once prepared to leave to be with her.

Morality & Philosophy

Gawain is Chaotic Good, and strives to make keep the balance between Nature and Civilization. He also strives to make allies whenever possible, but woe be unto those who do him and those he loves harm.

Personality Characteristics


At the start of the campaign Gawain was solely motivated by personal gain, accepting missions based on a pay out. However over time (and after two deaths) Gawain's Motivation began to change. The other Sentinels as well as Matrena helped shaped his current motivation. Currently Gawain primary motivation is to protect those he loves, and the secondary one being to bring balance to the charlie woods, and help shape Sunreach into a nation that can coexist with nature.


Contacts & Relations

Currently engaged to Matrena Goldhearth, princess to the dwarven kingdoms of Domdur.

Family Ties

Modred: Half brother may want Gawain dead Simon: Half-brother may want Gawain dead Baron Kronsieg: Father may want Gawain dead The other Sentinals to Gawain are his real family, and the only ones that truly matter.

Religious Views

Gawain has had a varied belief system, in the beginning praying to the primal forces of nature, then to Erastil God of hunting and harvest. Ultimately he decided on following Cernunnos, an Empyreal Lord. Cernunnos gifted Gawain with a holy weapon, which Gawain has dubbed Kiirn meaning "Slay". As part of worship to Cernunnos Gawain must slay worthy opponents and send their souls to be hunted in the plane of Braighborugh. To date Gawain has sent a Craig Linnorm, and filth dragon, and perhaps Gawains ultimate sacrifice to his God, being the soul of the dark Sorcerer Myzarok who to date has been Sunreachs greatest threat. Gawain has even been to his Gods plane and even trained under him. Ultimetly Gawain was offered to stay forever in the Glade, but decided to leave to once again join his mortal Allies knowing that he may not ever be able to return.

Social Aptitude

Gawain Makes friends with everyone after all it is better to have allies then enemies. To his enemies however Gawain will use any tactic to crush those who would do him or those he cares about harm. Gawain has even used torture to further his goals.

Hobbies & Pets

Being a Ranger

Gawain Kronsieg is a Ranger

Current Location
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Chaotic Good bordering Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Eternal Hunter, The Wolf Lord, The Hooded Ranger
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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