Sentinels of the Blazing Sun Organization in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Sentinels of the Blazing Sun

The Sentinels of the Blazing Sun are an adventuring party that formed in Dayhill as a mercenary group for the Hands of Heironus. The sentinels when formed consisted of Lucius Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus, Gawain Dragoon, Scarloc Wydrioth, and Jiro Kamaji. They spent much of their early years doing contracts for Dayhill and eventually the larger city of Yampfield until they eventually were gifted a keep and land to call their own where they formed Sunreach. Since then they have ruled of their kingdom protecting it from threats and expanding its borders and consolidating its strength. The Sentinels divide their attention between ruling their kingdom and protecting themselves and their kingdom from threats no other are capable of dealing with. Their biggest achievement to date is the defeat of the dark sorcerer Myzorock who threatened their kingdom and possibly the world with destruction if he had gone unchallenged. Currently there are five Sentinels including three of the original Lucius, Gawain, and Scarloc and during their adventures added to the list were Percival Dragoon and Scire Perpetuum. Jiro Kamaji unfortunately needed to go his own way after certain revelations and has since left the Sentinels.   The Sentinels are an adventuring party first and rulers of their kingdom second. They are fairly rarely found within their own kingdom as they are attempting to protect it from external threats before they become a problem as well as dealing with their own personal issues.
Adventuring Party
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