Scarloc Wydrioth Character in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Scarloc Wydrioth

Lord of Shadows Scarloc Wydrioth

Scarloc is the rogue Lord of Sunreach, Even though the terms Rogue and Lord should never be in the same sentence like that , he makes it work while keeping the crime down in Sunreach through his own organized crime syndicate known as the Shadows. Scarloc may seem like he doesn't like being Lord but deep down really enjoys the lavish lifestyle contrary to how he had grown up in the past. While growing up Scarloc was born to a tribe of thieves and blood magic know as the Bleeding Tree Tribe. One night the entire village had been completely killed except for Scarloc. On his journey to find out who had done such a heinous act he met up and joined other adventurers who have now become close friends as well as the other Lords of Sunreach. Whether being possessed by Devils or finding out the truth that he himself has killed his entire village without his knowledge, Scarloc tries his best to keep his composure around the others and does his best to do the right thing ( as best as a rogue can do).

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Scarloc is a light footed Wood Elf who has a friendship with shadows to the point where he is hard to see even if he was standing next to you. Even though he is Lord of Sunreach, not being seen is his specialty, and he is known by his iconic wooden mask which is always on and very few people have seen his face. All these combined may have caused rumors that he might not even exist in the first place.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Scarloc Wydrioth a Wood Elf was born to the Bleeding Tree tribe in Aldolen, and though it may be a small thieving tribe underneath is a history of bloodshed and prophecy. One day the the Bleeding Tree tribe was completely massacred and Scarloc being the sole survivor set out on a quest to make them men who did this pay. On his journey Scarloc met up with a group of adventurers each with their own interesting story. Lucius the Paladin, Gawain the ranger, and Jiro the sorcerer. They did mercenary work for a couple of years and were rewarded with some land outside the Kingdom of Dorwin for all that they have done. That land has now become the booming kingdom of Sunreach and Scarloc and his friends have obtained the title of Lords. Sunreach had gone through its own set of trials and tribulations but the people of Sunreach are strong and stayed together. After going through a war with a threat named Myzorok, Sunreach has finally learned peace for a few years. During the years of peace Sunreach grew in a rapid state to be a respectable size on the map. During this peace Scarloc set out to return to his quest and find out what had happened to his family. Scarloc finally unmasked the killers, or killer of his tribe and discovered that he himself was the killer. Scarloc also discovered that his is nt hte first time this has happened and that the Wydrioth family goes through a sort of purging every 500 years. Now Scarloc has a new task to find out all he can about the his family's past.

Mental Trauma

With the discovering that he himself has murdered his entire family and tribe as well as having his soul being fought over by multiple Devils, Scarloc should be on the brink of insanity but for some reason he is completely sane. Despite all the trauma Scarloc has been through he can keep himself calm and collected.

Morality & Philosophy

Scarloc is a rogue and has the mindset that he works best alone. Since joining up with his fellow adventurers he has sort of changed that mentality but still finds himself alone in the shadows. Being a Lord of Sunreach has put Scarloc in a very different environment coming from living in trees and belonging to a small village out in the middle of nowhere to becoming a Lord of a nation.


Contacts & Relations

  • Gawain Kronsieg: Ranger, likes to get high friend, and Lord of Sunreach
  • Lucius Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus: Paladin,Pain in the Ass Friend, Lord of Sunreach
  • Percy ...paladin?: Paladin/Golden legionnaire, Solid dude Friend, Lord of Sunreach
  • Scire Perpetuum: Bard/Monk, Kick-Ass Basic Bitch Friend, Lady of Sunreach
  • Amelia: Rogue, Maybe Girlfriend?, Filia Umbra

Hobbies & Pets

  • GIANT PHASE SPIDER name Sheila
  • Stealing
  • Crime
  • Making Lucius's life hard with my Shenanigans

Scarloc is an unpredictable rogue who has been trying to unravel the mystery of the murders of his entire village. He will do whatever he can to obtain his goal even if it means making a deal with the Devil.

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Chaotic Strawberry
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sentinel of the Blazing Sun Ruler of Sunreach Sentinel Lord of Shadows
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs
Aligned Organization


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