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Session 6: Mutated Pacts

Written by BigBody47

General Summary

The Fight:

The party finds themselves surrounded by mutated humanoids that resemble a shark. Instantly the party jumps into action as the sharks start talking about taking them down to the lab. Catalina starts off with a great punch by webbing a shark and restraining it. This allows the party to get in some good early punches. Yenzaren Rienas hexes the shark that is in the web in efforts to keep him restrained.   Meanwhile, the other shark that the party paid no attention to rolls up from behind and does huge damage to Snow . This critical hit knocks Snow unconscious and the party scramble as another shark busts out of the ground.   Yenzaren panics and tries to cast a spell but it fails, leaving him without any magical energy. Gleldruk Forge and Kelsica hold off the front line with the eldritch cannon and their high armor classes. Catalina rushes over to Snow in her spider form shooting webs as she moves. She scopes Snow up and continues to fight now that Snow was safe on her back.   Feeling like they were beginning to lose the fight Kelsica uses the command spell to make one of the sharks flee. Running out magic and his eldritch cannon badly damaged, Forge panics and runs behind a rock to take out his crossbow. Instead, he finds Yenzaren crying behind the rock. Yenzaren slightly embarrassed tries to pull off a cool diving attack but fails in front of everyone. Snow wakes up but is barely alive. She moves to the back lines and starts flinging arrows. Catalina face tanks a shark by biting and webbing it repeatedly.   The shark lands a powerful blow on Kelsica knocking her unconscious leaving Yenzaren to face the shark head-on. Yenzaren takes two powerful blows and is barely hanging on. Forge comes to Yenzaren's aid and gets the shark's attention, allowing Yenzaren to get out of harm's way.   Snow barely hanging on to life uses magic to give her extreme speed so she can get to Kelsica. Snow feeds her a potion and Kelsica regains consciousness. This allows Kelsica to use her divine healing to heal her wounds and get back in the fight. The sharks team up on Kelsica and Forge. They have a hard time penetrating Kelsica's magically enhanced armor but unfortunately, they strike down on Forge and knock him unconscious.   Yenzaren remembers his spider is on a shark and uses it to distract the shark. This gives him the edge he needs to finally start landing some magical blasts. The shark fighting Catalina finally gets the best of her knocking her out of her spider form. Coming back to her normal senses she sees Forge laying on the ground. She quickly runs to his aid and uses a good berry to bring him back to his senses.   The shark fighting Forge and Kelsica is barely standing and gives up his guard to rush Yenzaren. Kelsica with one clean sweep cuts the shark's tail off, bringing him to a knee. She then runs up its back and finishes it off by cutting its head off. Catalina and Snow pair up together to finish off another shark to the north (I don't remember how this one died)   With his other compatriots defeated, the last shark starts to call out for "Able". As he is doing so Yenzaren uses this opportunity to charge up a power full bast that he shoots up into the air and then curves it down the shark throat where it explodes and blows the shark's head off.  

The Mage Appears

  As the party is licking their wound and trying to decide on their next move, Yenzaren sends his spider down one of the tunnels. The spider sees that it goes down a long way. As this is happening the party starts to hear a strange noise that sounds like static. Soon out of thin air a rip in space-time itself opens up and out steps a pale male elf in mage robes. He introduces himself as Abel. At this point, the party is barely standing and Abel sees the opportunity to make a deal with the party.   He knows that (the king) sent the party to kill him and offers a counter deal. He would spare the party's lives if we planted this wooden box he pulled out into the city's water well. He talked down on the city because it was "infested" with Goblins and Hobgoblins. The party unsure of what to do asked him for some time to think about it. He said he would return in 3 hours to hear their fate.   The party heals up and evaluates the situation. After some discussion, it is decided that they would not kill an entire city but instead would fight the mage. However, in the party's current state they couldn't take on the mage so they decided that they would take the mages deal to give them more time.   When Abel returns, Yenzaren says the party accepts the deal but fore he could even talk. Abel is suspicious but Yenzaren holds a good poker face. He seems pleased with the party's decision and tells them to gather around so he could teleport them back to Valscaruk. Panicking Yenzaren speaks up and insists that they walk back so the King won't be suspicious. Abel agrees but this means a pact must be made and ask for Yenzaren's hand. Yenzaren refuses and Catalina step in holding out her hand. Abel grabs her hand and a pact is made with a brand scarring Catalina's hand.   Abel leaves once more and the party is once again left alone with many questions about their future......

Rewards Granted

A wooden box to plant in Valscaruks water well.   A branded on pact to Catalina's hand

Missions/Quests Completed

Eliminate the Wizards : Located the wizard who was mutating the villagers and found out his name was Abel.   Sabotage Valscaruk's Water well : Abel gives the party a counter offer in the form of this job.

Character(s) interacted with

Abel Alexandria  and his mutated henchmen
Maruthar Campaign
Report Date
18 Mar 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters


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