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Session 7: Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

General Summary

The party makes their way down the tunnels that the sharks dug out. Quickly they come to a fork in the tunnel. One leads down a gradual path down and the other is much steeper. They choose to go down the steeper path by installing a piton and attaching a 100ft rope. Kelsica was the first to go down since she was the most athletic. Once down there she looks around to make sure the others are safe to go down. Catalina also makes it down with no problem and stays by the rope in case anyone needed help. As Gleldruk Forge makes his way down, he notices there are holes along the wall that he is facing but can't determine what they are used for.   Most of the party makes it down ok. However, when Snow starts her way down she loses her grip and starts to fall. With some quick thinking, Cat is able to use her thorn whip to pull her in and reduce the fall damage a good bit. Yenzaren Rienas starts making his way and he seems to be doing ok until a knife pops out of the holes and cuts the rope. Yen quickly uses the hole to grab on to but is just too weak to hold on much longer. Another green hand pops out of the hole and stabs Yen in the chest sending him falling to his doom but once again Cat's quick thinking saves the day. However, the fall did still hurt her and Yen.   Now that the party made it down the steep hole they look around and find a sign saying "exit" in goblin but with a caution warning with it. Yen sends his spider into the exit and sees a huge cavern with a large creature in the back. So the party takes another path that sends them deeper into the cave.   The party enters a room with finished floors, pillars that extend to the roof, and statues of Abel scattered around. In the center of the room is an orb that illuminates a blue light. Yen sends his spider into the room and finds a trap of ballista bolts pointed at the party. They search for the trap trigger and a way to disable the trap. Yen uses detect magic to look into the room and sees an aura surrounding the orb.   Snow tries shooting the orb twice and a Spectator appears in the response. Kelsica runs into the aura and a bolt comes flying at her but she dodges out of the way but could not make it to the Spectator cuz the aura is slowing her down. Snow continues flinging arrows at the Spectator. Yen and Forge show up late but contribute nothing to the fight. Cat, Snow, and Kelsica are hit by eye rays and are hurting pretty bad. Cat places a moonbeam on the creature that seems to be really affecting it. Snow and Kelsica continue to attack it. Forge and Yen continue to miss. Cat finishes it off with a moonbeam that dispels the aura around it.   The party continues deeper down the cavern finding a trapped hallway. Snow starts walking down the hallway without a care in the world and falls down a spike trapped pit as a tile falls out from under her, The party rushes over to help her and Cat heals her right before she starts taking off again. This time she sets off a magical trap that tries to turn her to stone but she fights off the effect. Now that the party convinces her to watch her step she finds multiple more trap triggers and warns the party about them.   At the end of the hallway, there is a door that is locked with an arcane lock. With no means of dispelling the magic, Kelsica starts slashing away at the door. A piece of the door breaks off and Yen sends his spider into the room to scout it out. The spider sees no immediate danger so the party continues to break down the door and enter the room. They find a lab with mutated creatures in glass tubes filled with a liquid of some sort. Two of the tubes are broken and the creatures are missing.   At the far end of the room, there is a terminal with glowing magical runes on it. Forge takes a look and studies them for an hour while the party takes a short rest. Forge makes out that it is a control panel/terminal but not sure what it controls. Yen pushes one of the glowing runes to see what happens.   A hologram appears but it has a lot of static and is hard to make out the figure's face. It is a recording of a woman talking about the subject in the test tubes. She says that the experiments are all failing and that they are running out of subjects. She says that there aren't many more convicts left but she says if Abel doesn't contaminate the water well and get them more dead subjects the mistress is not going to be happy. She then looks at her hand but is out of sight of the hologram. She seems worried about it and then the recording ends.   Now there is a flashing rune on the terminal so Yen pushes that one. Now the party sees Able arguing with this lady. She is displeased with his efforts and talks down on him. She tells him if he can't start producing results then maybe she will run her test on him and then the hologram fades.   Another run starts flashing when this hologram ends and once again Yen pushes it. This time a hologram of the lady appears but she stares straight at Yen and says "Well hello, who are you? Do you work with Abel?" Yen quickly hangs up the call and then thinks about it and they are working for Abel. He pushes the button again and before she can start talking Yen tells her that they are working for Abel and have to go now because they needed to contaminate the water supply of Valscaruk. He then hangs up again without waiting for a response.   With new information and meeting a new player in the game. The party stands at the next door leading deeper into the cavern........

Rewards Granted

Information on Abel and who he is working for.   400XP for each PC

Character(s) interacted with

Mystery Woman
Maruthar Campaign
Yenzaren Rienas
None Half-Elf (Celebrity Adventurer’s Scion)
Warlock 4
35 / 35 HP
None Eladrin (Far Traveler)
Ranger 4
40 / 40 HP
Report Date
25 Mar 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters


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