Piglin Brute (PIG-lin brute)
Piglins Brutes are a larger, more aggressive subcategory of Piglins. They are only native to the Brute territory, the only undisputed territory in the Nether due to the agression of Brutes. They are skilled fighters that are highly sought after by other armies, though until recently rarely left the Nether, instead joining and fighting for other piglin clans.
When leaving the Nether and joining armies, they often quickly make their way through the ranks. Brutes are terrifying on the battle field, large and violent and proficient in many weapons and forms of fighting. One piglin brute can stand in for a large amount of soldiers from other species. They are also incredible stratigists.
Brutes are often sterotyped as aggressive and stupid, disregarding the many academic achievements and high levels of education Brutes that leave the Nether get.
Coming of Age Rites
When Piglin Brutes reach the age of 10, they are expected to leave their home territory (Brute Territory) and find a piglin clan to fight for. They will then take the name of their new clan as their own. Due to the limited number of clans and the aggressively territorial behaviors of older Brutes, this is beginning to evolve into leaving the Nether entirely and joining armies of other species.
When fighting over a clan, the losing Brute will often be completely pushed out of their clan, even if they have lived with it for years.
Filler image of a piglin brute
Encompassed species
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