
Alcyoneus is a sizable asteroid, one of many towed through the mass relay to help build Arcturus Station in this metal-poor system. Like many of the asteroids in the belt, miners built small habitats on Alcyoneus to live closer to their excavation sites. When the station was finished, a transient population moved in.  
  • Terrain: Rock
  • Radius: 1,052
  • Day Length: 61.6 Standard Hours
  • Orbital Period: 0.6 Standard Years
  • Orbital Distance: 2.1 AU
  • Atmospheric Pressure: Trace
  • Surface Temp: -23 Celsius
  • Surface Gravity: 0.38 G
  • Mass: 0.01 Earth Masses
  • Population: 150
  • System/Star: Arcturus
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